(no subject)

Mar 16, 2004 00:21

people piss me off sometimes.
if you've never had depression you really don't know what the fuck a depressed person really feels
and they say the stupidiest shit.
i suffered from depression for over a decade.

"Always look on the bright side of life"
"What's your problem - stop moaning"
"I'm fed up of you constantly whining"
"What gave you the idea that I actually care?"
"You're so selfish - you only ever talk about yourself"
"Shut up"
"There are people worse off than you"
"Cheer up"
"It's all in your mind"
"Snap out of it"
"Pull your socks up"
"You need a hobby"
"You need to get out of the house"
"Try going for a walk and get some fresh air - it always cheers me up!"
"You have so many things that you should be grateful for - why are you so depressed"
"Depression is a choice not an illness"
"What have *you* got to be depressed about?"
"It's not the end of the world you know!"
"Lighten up!"
"Wake up and smell the coffee"
"Get a grip of yourself!"
"Why can't you just be normal like everyone else?"
"I thought you were stronger than you really are"
"If you stop wallowing in self pity you will feel a lot better"
"Grow up"
"Act your age, not your shoe size"
"You have so many things going for you so why aren't you happy"
"Why can't you just forget about it?"
"I'm so sick of you talking about this - what about me?"

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself all the time"

"It's a beautiful day out there"
"You're always so moody!! Cheer up!"
"I'm sure there must be something at the chemist that could help - have you tried..."
"Tell me about it!! Last year I was depressed for a couple of days too!"
"ha! You don't know what depression *is*" (this one usually comes from someone who has never been depressed)
"You think *that's* bad - you wait till you hear about *my* problems...
"I thought you said you were feeling bad... that's *nothing*"
"Thanks a *lot*. Now you've made *me* depressed too!!!"
"You're always worried about your own problems - what about *mine*"
"There's always someone with worse problems than you"
"Things aren't *that* bad"
"It's only PMT - I don't know what you're so worried about"
"Everyone feels depressed sometimes. You're nothing special"
"You're just upset. You'll be over it soon"
"You're just having a bad day - you'll be O.K tomorrow"
"Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you're on your own"
"It's your own fault you are feeling like this"
"If you don't think about it, it will go away"
"Go away" or "Piss off"
"Try not to be so depressed about it"
"If you try and help other people you'll have less time to think about yourself"
"If you don't like being depressed get off your stupid fat arse and change it!" (was actually said to me once!)
"You could be happy if you wanted to be"
"I don't know what you are going through, but I do understand how you are feeling"

heres some more for sucide

"Go on then... bet you won't!"

"Who cares"

"You're just upset. You'll be over it soon"
"What's your problem - stop moaning"
"Shut up"
"I'm fed up of you constantly whining"
"You're always so moody!! Cheer up!"
"If you don't think about it, it will go away"

"It's not the end of the world you know!"
"I don't know what you are going through, but I understand how you feel"
"I don't believe you"
"It's your own fault"
"I'm so sick of you talking about this - what about me?"
"Stop feeling sorry for yourself all the time"
"Cheer up"
"You have so many things going for you so why aren't you happy"
"You did it to yourself and getting upset is not going to make it better, just get over it and grow up."

u really wanna do something productive? these are the things you should say and not just fucking say it
you gotta mean it, other wise just shut the fuck up.

"I care about you"

"I love you"

"No!! You're *not* mad - not at all!!"

"I want to help"

"I want to help you through this"

"I want to listen to your silence"

"I want to try and understand"

"I'm here for you"

"I'm here if you need a hug"

"I'm here for you every step of the way"

"I'm here for you through good times and bad"

"I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on"

"It's O.K if you don't want to talk - I'm still here to listen"

"It's O.K to cry"

"You may not feel it now, but your past will make you stronger"

"You have given so much support to other people, now it's time for you to sit back and let others support you"

"You are a very important person"

"You are a wonderful friend"

"I'm sorry you are hurting"

"I'm sorry you are in pain. I would like to try and help you. I will look after myself so you don't need to worry that what you say will hurt me. I want to be here for you, so please say whatever you need to say. It won't hurt me"

"I can't imagine how much pain you must be going through now, but I'd like to try and understand if I can. If I cannot understand fully, you will always have my compassion and empathy"

"I empathise"

"Sometimes it can feel like no-one is hearing you... I want to be able to hear whatever you want to say, however you want to say it"
"I'm here if you need some support"

"It will take time for the pain to ease so take all the time you need - I'll still be here for you"

people really piss me off how ignorant they are.
words do hurt,
i've done the suicide thing before, i've cut myself, i've cried and cried and cried for
what seemed like no god damn reason.
i felt hopeless, rejected, jealous, paranoid.
sometimes it was such a fucking chore and too so much damn effort just to breathe
it felt like ever damn breathe i took was a struggle and just a pain in the ass and useless.
i couldn't cope with shit the way others could, i got stressed out, i couldn't concentrate,
i wasn't motivated to do shit. i had fucked up mood swings.
i swear to god the only thing that really kept me focused, that kept my alive was my hate
i was so damn hatefull and angry, thats how i coped thats how i got through it.
till i finally saw a doctor and got on the pills, but it took a while.
but the most important part is i came to realize something.
its not something that can be told to you.
its something i had to discover for myself.
and it wasn't easy.
and still to this day and probaly for the rest of my life i'm gonna suffer from depression.
fortunetly for me right now, i'm having more good days then bad.

only a complete fucking moron, a heartless fucking shit head would tell someone who
is in real pain and really suffering they hope they die.
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