Hey lush have fun, its the weekend

Nov 17, 2005 22:06

What Would You Do If ( Read more... )

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x0x0_007 November 18 2005, 11:35:47 UTC
What Would You Do If:
1. If I died from natural causes: cry: (
2. I died from suicide: Bring you back and re kill you for being dumb
3. I kissed you: ewww
4. I lived next door to you: you live with me!
5. I started smoking: laugh as you had an asthma attack
6. I stole something: if you stole my street sign id kill you
7. I was hospitalized: Come visit you all the time
8. I ran away from home: Be sad because our home was quiet
9. I got a tattoo:watch dad rip it off
What Do You Think Of My:
10. Personality:you are one of a kind lol
11. Eyes:they look like mine...beautiful : )
12. Hair: like it better long
13. Laugh: its stupid but funny
14. Family: Oh my gosh you have the most awesome sister in the world...i just want to marry her!
Would You:
15. Be my friend? most def.
16. Keep a secret always
17. Hold my hand? no can do
18. Take a bullet for me? duh
19. Keep in touch? im forced to
20. Try and solve my problems? nope i gaver up on thay a long time ago
21. Love me? always
22. Date me? incest is not best
Have You Ever:
23. Lied to make me feel better? yes i have
24. Wanted to kiss me? no ew
25. Wanted to kill me? at times
26. Broke my heart?yes...when i made stupid decisions i think?
27. Kept something important from me? umm i dont know
28. Thought I was unbearably annoying? OH YEAH
Random Stuff:
29. What reminds you of me? the sign in my room
30. If you could give me anything what would it be? a slap in the face without being hit back
31. How well do you know me? VERY well
32. When's the last time you saw me? i dont know, but i heard you leaving about 2 secondsd ago for school...which i am very late for
33. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you?no


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