Calm For The Moment.

Aug 25, 2007 15:37

It is Saturday and I am still car-less. After breaking down yesterday calling my mom and dad, today is looking to be a better day. My mom might drive her car up tomorrow so I can HAVE a car for Monday or until I get my car back. Alma Transmissions MIGHT have my car ready by Monday but I have work and then interning. I am not for sure I'll get it back. I was flirting with the idea of calling in just so I can make sure I'll have it by 4 but then I am not too sure. I think I'll take my mom up on her offer on me borrowing her car for the week. I have Fri and Sat off anyways!

I talked to Moe on Friday. So glad to hear from her. I miss her tons!

I already have a HUGE list of TO- DO's this week. I am a bit excited that my life can be planned for the next 16 weeks. I have to go to the computer lab somewhere on campus and print a BUNCH of outlines and what not for classes.

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