More News: Additional Info from the "Thor 2" set & Kat Dennings' London Tweet

Nov 23, 2012 15:38

I found another fan report from the Thor 2 Greenwich location, which I thought would be worth posting here.  The fan described a scene involving Malekith and uploaded a few pictures, as well (beware for spoilery speculation/info & pics below):


So while I was in Greenwich, I heard a few interesting things about Thor 2. I don’t know if they’re common knowledge yet or not, but they’re new to me.

All the rubble and stuff is from a spaceship that crashes into the grounds. It’ll be added with CGI later on. So will more of the damage caused by the crash. The wing also destroys the pillars on the left, that are covered with blue (which is pretty obvious now…)

Speaking of which, there seems to be confusion about the picture below. Speculation that it’s Kurse or Malekith or whatever.

Not sure when it was taken but I was there last Wednesday (14th November) and they were filming a scene with Malekith and the elves. I could of got a video of it, but I was in the chapel and wasn’t really sure on the whole camera business at the time. I did get this picture, but it doesn’t really show much.

But I can tell you that it was Malekith leading an army of elves over the rubble, which is where the ship would of crash landed. I think Thor (or maybe Malekith? Didn’t know he was filming until I saw pictures later) was saying something but I couldn’t make anything out.

On Monday, they were filming a scene that was supposed to be set outside Charing Cross underground station. I assumed this meant that Greenwich was just doubling for other areas as normal. However, it’s actually also doubling for itself! From what I remember, there are two worlds occupying the same space, and it has something to do with the Prime Meridian Line (or timeline as the guy insisted on calling it. Significant because I read something about time travel?). You know. The line at which time is measured (known as Greenwich Mean Time). There were trailers in Greenwich Park next to Greenwich Observatory, which has that lovely photo opportunity of standing on both the east and west of the world. So the whole “two worlds blending together” thing could be true. I vaguely remember them saying it has a mystical or magical aspect about it…Anyone know if they filmed at the observatory or not?

At the moment, they’re filming all the stunts, and I’ve read that lasts until Sunday somewhere. But a security guard said that they are still filming up until Wednesday, so what does that mean? Maybe the main actors are coming back to film anything left over? That is speculation by the way. I’m no expert in film production so I don’t know what that means.

Source:  Here

Perhaps all of this ties into the following spoilery pictures of Erik Selvig and Jane Foster:


Source:  Here


Last but certainly not least, Kat Dennings has tweeted that she's back in London:

Sooo...maybe the previous spoiler report posted here at the bottom was on the mark.  It probably was a scene with Darcy.  :-)

Anyway, here's hoping Kat will be doing plenty of in-studio work...especially since speculation has it that Tom is filming most of his Loki scenes indoors, as well.  ;-)

news: kat dennings, news: thor 2, news: tom hiddleston

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