Nov 23, 2003 14:46
Omg. I seriously just want to run away right now. Just leave. Apparently it would make some people happy. It would also leave me behind the huge amount of stress on my shoulders right now.
Last night luckily got my mind of stuff...
After work, which I got out at 5, i went home. Got ready. Left and went to Ruby Tuesday's. I met Lindsey, Renee, Jennica, Ryan, Erika, Jeff, Chuckie and Gregster there. We ate. Had a blast and a half. LoL Me n Jennica got free ice cream cuz it was for our birthday...but the waiters didnt sing to us. They said they dont do it there. So everyone ((at our table)) just sang. People were staring. It was hilarious! So we left there at around 7:20 n all went back to LIndsey's. I had a great night! It was so much fun! I got a Finding Nemo Bulletin Board thingy from Jennica and some candy. I got a pink shirt from Renee ((im a pink girl right hun?lol)). I got the cutest frame w/ a poem in it called "friends forever" from LInz. It even plays music. It was great. WE played pool. went in the hot tub. played taboo ((girls own that game)), played twister. Just had an awesome night. The fun ended at 11...i brought erika and jeff home and that was that. I went home and went to bed. Huge headache and gettin a cold. Blah.
Yeah so that was that. Today I worked from 9-2 and Im goin to Collz' at 4:30 to chill with her and her family cuz she made her Confirmation today. Cait's goin too! Yay! Time with my bestest girlies, I'm pumped.
I'd just like to say that for all of you who insist on draggin out the fact that you think I didn't deserve a great birthday or a surprise party...stop talking like you are the best.. It's stupid. It really really is. So grow up...k thanks!
Alright, well...i'm done for now. I love you.
<3 Darc
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