
Oct 26, 2003 14:59

Competition Day

Woke up at 7:50. Took a bath. GOt ready. Dressed. All that good stuff. Wicked nervous. Went online for a few. Then Sevigz came and my Uncle came and we drove over to Holman. IT was freezing. WE foudn out we weren't going to be able to warm up stunts so we did there on the grass. Ashley M. stuck her mount, I was so proud! :) I did mine too. Woot woot. Then at like 11:00 or osmething the buses came. We all got on. Blah blah blah. Took an hour to get there. Nothing special on the bus. Just sang, cheered, took out our curlers. My hair looked so bad. Anwyays-we got there. Watched the rest of session one. JPW-2nd place babey! You girls rocked. :) Then we had to go warm up and stuff. Finally it was our turn to go. Walkin onto the floor I stepped on the back of Amiee's shoe. It didn't come off or anything tho. So we get out there and do AWESOME. WE were sooooooo good. Came off the floor and all the coaches had a mad face on. I was like "we did good!?! why are you so unhappy"...well come to find out Amiee's shoe wound up coming off and she threw it off the mat. At the time we were all wicked nervous because we thought that was safety. Come to find out that was the right thing to do but we were gonna lose 10 pts because she stunted w/o a shoe. So awards comes...finally. We get third. I was happy just because we placed. But I knew we did amazing so I was confused why we only got 3rd. But whatever. Well today my mom was talkin to Julie and come to find out we didn't lost anything for the shoe. Nothing what so ever. Which is awesome. WE just lost lil pts for stupid stuff. I'm proud of my girlies tho! <3 I love you all. Big shout out to the JM who placed 2nd. You girls were awesome!!

After competition me, cait, jess, alicia, deb, deb, ed, my uncle, and my rents went to Bugaboo Creek SteakHouse for dinner. Had a blast! My mom wold the waiter it was my birthday just so they would sing to me. I had to kiss a moose!!! haha so funny! I <3 you girls I have a blast ladies. Love our talks hehee.

<3 Post Me

<3 Darc

P.S.-who ever is posting from Salem---get over urselfs. Thanks!
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