(no subject)

Aug 29, 2008 23:01

Title: Four Compromising Situations That Lt. Fick Won't Soon Forget
Chapter: 1/4

Author: Darco16

Fandom: “Generation Kill”

Pairing: Colbert/Person

Word Count: 968

Rating: R

Warning: Sexual Situation/Cursing

Disclaimer: This does not belong to me. This is based on the characters from HBO's 'Generation Kill'. I do not mean to offend anyone with this piece of complete fiction.


Solitary time was something of an unique privilege when it came to living in a camp full of Marines, and Mathilda, the camp Nate was stationed at, was no different. This is why he couldn't help but halt at the Port-a-Potty when he noticed the relative emptiness of the stalls. He didn't like to think of himself as an over planner, but also realized that it would probably be the best moment for some alone time.

However, when he got closer, he noticed, or more accurately heard that someone else also perceived the quality of the mostly abandoned bathroom stations. He truly would have walked away when he heard the moans coming from the stall, but he ceased moving when he heard the first voice joined by a second, higher voice. He would never call himself a voyeur in any sense of the word, but he was actually frozen in shock by the new turn of events. Anyway, did it really count as voyeurism if he was only listening?

By the time he came back to his senses, he was completely prepared to walk away. He had already turned around, preparing to walk back to the tents and probably talk to Brad, when......

“Fucking, Jesus! Press your thumb behind my balls, Brad,” was the distinct voice Nate heard, which boomed and echoed in the quiet air of the surrounding area. It was all too easy for Lt. Fick to recognize the voice belonging to Cpl. Joshua Ray Person.

“Shut the fuck up, Ray. Do you plan on ending this war all too soon by sending out voice signals that the fucking Republican Guard could hear?” and that, Lt. Fick precisely knew to be Bravo's first team leader, Sgt. Brad Colbert.

“You're just fucking pissed because I was able to sneak a finger up there without you noticing.” Nate was sure that Ray would have went on with his rant, which he usually did, but was interrupted by his own moan, which Nate guessed Brad was able to coerce out of Person's mouth.

“Motherfucking better than being able to fit my entire fist up there without your bitch-ass noticing,” Brad's very disturbing visual was then followed by heavier moans, which seemingly flowed through the thick, dusty air.

“In your motherfucking dreams, uh fuck yeah, that's good,” Ray's voice was sequence by indistinct gibberish, interrupted periodically by unmanly squeaks and, of course, loud moans.

“Fucking shit, I'm gonna,” and everything that came after that harsh bark of words were just too obscene grunts and whiny breaths that were pornographic enough to keep Nate there longer than he knew was reasonable or even sane.

That was possibly why Nate was caught in the precarious situation of trying to sneak off far away from the Port-a-Potties, when the stall door was slammed opened and out tumbled one Ray Person to the ground. He was soon followed by a dazed, but standing Brad Colbert.

“You Hebrew bastard could have warned me before you opened the fucking....” A swift kick to the heel of Ray's boot delivered by Brad ceased whatever he would have said next. Then in an instant, two pairs of eyes hastily turned to Nate. There was such intensity in their shared stare that it could have burned holes through Nate's uniform.

In a knee jerk reaction, Nate turned with his back facing the two caught lovers. From behind him, he heard loud rustling, soon followed by booted foot steps hitting the ground.

“Uh, Ray was having stomach problems,” came Brad's unconvincing voice, and Nate closed his eyes, trying his best not to give an unbelieving laugh that would have surely made the situation just a little bit more uncomfortable. But, of course, his actions were unneeded when Ray was there, who quickly answered Brad's somewhat lame response with a snort.

“Yep, Brad was just holding my hair back as I puked. You see, Lieutenant, nothing obscenely inappropriate.” Again, Ray's words were caught off, but were accompanied by a grunt and then directly by an 'ow, you asshole, that hurt!'

“Of course, that makes perfect sense. Sgt. Colbert, you might want to take your RTO to see Doc. Bryan before his stomach problem becomes any worse.” Nate was sure that both Brad and Ray could here the humor that drenched his voice, but he could neither change it, nor help it, given the situation they all found themselves in.

“Right away, Lt. Fick,” Brad answered on command, like he would any order given to him by a superior.

“And next time that Cpl. Person might fall ill, and you must assist him, please try to be more quiet or possibly take it to a more private environment,” Nate couldn't help but give his piece of advice, and by now, it was almost second nature for him.

“We'll try to keep it a little more low key next time this situation might occur, Lieutenant.” Nate wasn't sure why he was so surprised to hear Ray's voice, possible because the seriousness in his tone was somewhat unusual for the twenty-two-year-old Corporal.

“Thank you, Ray, Brad.” With that Nate walked as proudly as he could back to the tents. Out of the three of them he knew he shouldn't be the minority who felt the most embarrassed. However, the bulge in his pants, that had yet to wane, probably had something to do with that.

AN: First chapter, and next chapter will hopefully be up in the next week. *Emphasis on hoprefully*  
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