(no subject)

Sep 12, 2006 23:31

Title: My high school life is like a CW teen drama....... Part Two

Rating: NC-17... not yet though

Warning: Slash/ Sex with Minors mentioned/ RPS/ AU high school fiction/ unbeta-ed........ and so much more that I forgot but will remember later.

Pairing: Jensen/Jared..... not yet though Chad/Jared..... not yet though


Summary: You've seen WB teen dramas, you know what to expect.

My high school life is like a CW teen dramal

Chad glared through squinted eyes at the girl in front of him, who had been looking at him as if he was a chimp in a zoo. It was only first period in his new school, and he was already making new enemies.

It didn't help that his dad decided to move his whole family, all five of his brothers and sisters here to San Antonio, Texas from New York.

He knows that he hadn't really had any friends in New York, only people that looked down at his Salvation Army hand-me-downs, but at least there they just thought he was an emo, Oliver Twist.

Here, in 'butt crack of Republican' Texas they looked at him as if he was from Pluto. Like they had never saw a guy with black nail polish, a pierced ear, and all black, too big, clothes.

Chad had known that his father was tired of working long hours for shit pay, while still paying rent that was ridiculous, but moving to Texas, because of the new job that payed great, and had less hours; was to Chad, a very bad idea.

And he didn't give a fuck that he sounded selfish, because he had a job, he provided, and he didn't ask for much, so why couldn't God, or Allah, or Buddha give him a fucking break.

As the bell rung he was the first up to get away from the 'weird staring' girl. The first thing that met him as he left his Algebra room was the chest of some stupid fucker, that sent him, and his notebooks sprawling on the ground.

“ Watch it pretty boy. You don't want to get your makeup messy.” The flanneled fucker laughed, trying to walk over him. Chad had had enough of this, and didn't take crap about his weight or face.

He had tried to play football, and he had loved the game, but a bad move on the field had fucked up all his chances, and had put him in the hospital for a month. They had removed his small intestine, and told him he wouldn't even be able to gain weight as fast as normal boys his age, and it would be laughable, and fucking dangerous if he actually tried to play football competitively again.

With all this on his mind Chad pulled hard on the huge foot of the asshole who tried to walk over him. Yanking on his foot caused the flanneled teen to fall over as Chad got up. His first move was to kick the anus of a jerk in the stomach.

His foot was blocked as another guy threw him against the locker. The flanneled fucker, as Chad was calling him, got up and leaned down until he was in his face.

“ Ya fucking lil' dog's bitch, ya just signed ya own death warrant. Ya see, my name is Bobby O'Neil, and this...” Chad watched as Bobby motioned to the tall guy who had pushed him against the locker, “ this is Jeff, and if ya fuck with me, ya fuck with him, and then you just fucking with the whole basketball, and baseball team. Do you get me, pretty boy?”

Chad looked at what seemed to be a jock convention, that had gathered around, it was a wall of butch haircuts, broad shoulders, and too much aftershave. He didn't know if he should be queasy or scared. He settled for the latter as he nodded his head and looked down at the ground, biting his lip so his mouth didn't open on it's own accord and get his ass beat.

“ Do you think this is enough, or should I really teach him a lesson?” Chad swallowed hard wishing he was anywhere but here, as another macho voice spoke up from the group of assholes.

“ Dude, I don't want to be late to my next class, and then be sent to the principal's office on my first day of school. My daddy would woop my ass, and I bet your's would put ya over his knee too. What about ya Bob? This lil' bitch ain't worth it.” Bobby turned around and looked at a tallish, light brunette, older teen, who had a strong jaw.

“ Who the fuck are you calling a bitch, you white trash, hick asshole?” Chad wasn't sure who said that, until said asshole turned to him with hard eyes, and that is when he noticed that he had lost control of his mouth again.

The asshole came up to him, and without warning punched him in the stomach. Chad grunted as air burst out of his mouth, and the pain in his stomach sent shock waves through his body.

“ I think that's enough for this lil' big, mouthed bitch.” The asshole said turning back to Bobby, with a red face, and a set jaw.

“ Naw, ya right Jensen. Let's go. We ain't being so nice to ya, getting ya in trouble on ya first day. Come on let's leave the lil' shit here.” The guy let go of him, as they all turned to leave, some smacking him in his face.

Chad looked back at 'Jensen' and just saw him as another jock asshole, but worst, an asshole who's the reason that he won't get his ass kicked any worst than the bruise that will be on his stomach.

Yep, the first day of high school as a sophomore, at a new school, in a new state, and he was already making life long enemies.


AN: What ya think? Comment please.
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