
Sep 18, 2014 12:01

Tiger passed away. He lay dying in the guest bathroom for three days before finally going his own way. If he had lasted until the next day I had planned to have someone else take him in and sit and hold him as he was euthanized. He is buried between the rose bushes out front.
I have started trying to look for work. Making money, keeping a schedule, possibly moving out, all good reasons to try for it. If I get into childcare soon, I will have a nice looking resume for once I have my own squid-monkey and can hopefully be a stay at home mom who can earn some income.
Trying to get into school failed. I decided too late to give it a try, but there is always next semester.
Went to the beach yesterday. Wasn't very relaxing. Saw a coyote get run over on the drive home. Pulled over only to watch it die. Not sure what I would have done if it was still alive. Pulled it off to the side of the road near some grass. I hate the idea of it being even a little conscious and having to die to the terror of car buzzing right past it. Probably was for nothing.
Harvested over 50 tomatoes out of my garden in the past month, big baseball sized ones too.
Tired of living with inconsiderate people. Tired of dealing with the issues people won't address for themselves. I need help, so I go to therapy. You need help so you dump your crap on me. See how that doesn't work well for me? Just tired.
Fell off the wagon, so to speak, for the first time in years. Doesn't help.
I am eating better though. Trying to get up at a more reasonable hour. Mornings are stupid.
Saw a picture of Ann Frank's dad, taken in 1960 according to the person who put it up. It was him standing in the attic he had hid in with his family, staring blankly over the space. I never thought about him. Never wondered what had happened to anyone but Ann. He had fought in WW1 for Germany, his country. Then hid with his family during WW2 only to be the sole survivor.
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