Mar 30, 2006 22:24
randomly feeling really sick tonight and im exauhsted andmy head hurts *shrug* enough complaining or at least ill try.
today at school was eh but its school and like almost over so what can i say. i got home and got wicked pissed off cause all the internet was unhooked and i was angry and bitchy and grrrrr so i couldnt go online and talk to heather like i wanted to. sorta started cleaning my room but made a bigger mess in the process so it looks liek ive done nothing but w/e. went out to eat with will and jess and the came home butnot for long.
went out with kelly tyler tonight we were going to get ice cream but isntead got wendys and then she wanted taco bell so we got that and we were gonna drive around but i got an icee first and we drove around and just talked and vented and joked around or like two hours and it was so kick ass. we both wicken needed somehtign random and unplanned like that. then came home so this is where im at. i dont really feel well for w/e reason it happened to me earlier today during fouth i just felt wicked sick my head is pounding and im all liek blah and feel liek im gonna throw up but i know im not gonna so its not kewl. i want so much to stay up till heather gets home so i can tlak to her and hear her voice but im so tired and sick iunno if i can last that long =/ o well ill deal some how.
i have to work tomorrow 5-1 which sucks major ass i fucking hate closing grrr. w/e ill deal i think im gonna go to bed like right after work though iunno. *shrug* im so tired all the time now iunno why.
i think im gonna go to bed in a few and just keep my ring on really loud so itll wake me up when she calls if i fall asleep.
p.s i love you