Before I joined Leaky I didn't know the word "fandom" exists. Now it's something that is a daily part of my life. One of the greatest things in the Harry Potter fandom is
The Harry Potter Alliance. (HPA) I mean, a group of Harry Potter fans dedicated to serving others, what could be better?
Recently, HPA has started their
"What Would Dumbledore Do" (WWDD) Campaign. As a literature teacher, I worked for years trying to teach children to make a "text to real world" connection. In other words, what moral have you learned from this story that you can take away from the story and apply to your life.
For example, I've always been the kind of person who is very goal oriented. I'm constantly trying to complete the next project. The final product is my goal. Reading the Harry Potter books taught me that the jounrney is equally important. Dumbledore, even with the knowledge of what Harry must do, still enjoyed his life and taught others to do the same.
If you have time to pop into HPA's Common Room and blog please do. Also take part in the
WWDD Twitter challenge, or just add #dumbeldore to all of your "Tweets."