Here is my astrology report. I'm still unsure whether to believe these things or not, but after reading everyone else's at work, it's fairly convincing. For the record, I've bolded the bits that I think apply to me... correct me if I'm wrong. Anyhoo,
First Name: Louise
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Rising Sign: Pisces
Life Path Number: 6
Chinese Sign: Monkey
Element: Water
Mode: Fixed
Ruler: Mars and Pluto
Color: Blood Red, Garnet Red, Brown
Famous Scorpios:
Marie Antoinette, Richard Burton, Madame Curie, Michael Dukakis, Larry Flynt, Bill Gates, Whoopi Goldberg, Grace Kelly, Vivien Leigh, Demi Moore, Burt Lancaster, Roy Lichtenstein, Martin Luther, Claude Monet, Georgia O'Keeffe, Pablo Picasso, Julia Roberts, Theodore Roosevelt.
Charismatic, competent, courageous, determined, honest, loyal, magnetic, passionate, profound, proud, reliable, sharp-witted
Intolerant, jealous, manipulative, merciless, obsessive, passive-aggressive, secretive, selective, self-destructive, speculative, vicious
SCORPIO, the eighth sign of the zodiac, is best characterized by passion, intensity, and emotionality. You are considered the most powerful and extreme sign of the zodiac, because you deal with the process of fundamental transformation on all levels. Pluto is your ruler, Scorpio, and is known as the planet of permanent change and transformation. It is also associated with sex, the life cycle of birth and death, and regeneration.
You are the second of the three water signs. Pluto’s influence makes you a charismatic, yet enigmatic person. While you may appear serene on the surface, you contain a magnetic intensity and powerfully hypnotic personality, belied only by a penetrating stare of deep intelligence.
Scorpio, you rule the eighth house of the chart, which is associated with other people’s money, possessions, and values, as well as wealth received through inheritance; it also describes how and to what extent we commit, and bond with our partner, both on a sexual and emotional level.
Yours is a fixed sign, Louise, which means that you are steadfast in adversity. Once you put your mind to something, you display self-discipline and staying power. You work stoically to achieve your goals - no matter the cost!
PISCES RISING, you are sympathetic, ethereal, and visionary - a “gentle dreamer”. Your idealistic vision of life can lead you to be disappointed with the realities of daily life, Louise, because it is less poetic than your rich and colorful imagination. You are driven by your intuition and sensitivity, and follow what your heart tells you. Since you are such a spiritual being, you are able to gain profound mystical insight into the subtleties of human nature.
Your feelings are very deep, Louise, and the slightest hostile gesture can leave you utterly dejected, while any kind of good news - no matter how unimportant - can fill you with tremendous joy. This vulnerability is the sign of an incredible sensitivity that causes you to be influenced by all the currents of feelings that you encounter throughout the day.
You cannot stand to see the people in pain, and like a sponge, you seem to absorb that pain and feel the need to provide comfort. Therefore, you have a marked ability for being a healer, Louise, and you should make use of that gift! In most cases, people who have a Pisces ascendant, seek out professions in which you can help people who are less fortunate. Since your natural goodness often pushes you to sacrifice your own needs, you need to find a balance and set stronger boundaries for yourself.
YOUR LIFE-PATH NUMBER is probably the most influential numerological aspect to be considered, Louise, and represents who you are at the time of birth. It indicates specific traits and will likely be active and influential throughout your lifetime. It is the overall number that determines much of what will be important to you and how you will handle things as they come.
If your Life-Path number is SIX, a sense of responsibility will likely be prominent for you. SIXES are considered to be the most domestic of numbers and live a path related to leadership through example. This assumption of responsibility generally means that as a SIX, you’re always there to help others in any way you can. In fact, you must need to feel useful in order to be truly happy.
Those with a SIX Life-Path are usually very versatile and can communicate across any generation gap. SIXES are idealistic and usually recognize that wisdom, understanding, and balance are the cornerstones to assume responsibility in the best possible way.
It is common for SIXES to be devoted to their families and homes. This is usually the first priority for a SIX with helping the community coming a close second. Key words for a SIX Life-Path are responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, empathy, and family.
It can be challenging for some SIXES to take on the responsibility for what’s around them in a healthy balance. Careful planning and consideration for the self as well as others will alleviate feelings of overwhelm or guilt. Be careful not to be too critical or hard on yourself if you can’t do it all. Your path is one of assuming only what you are able.
MONKEY. Of all the animals of the Chinese zodiac, your are the most intelligent. Your pranks, finesse, and craftiness get you out of the most delicate situations without a scratch. Particularly at ease in public and at parties with beautiful people, you are charming, surprising, and entertaining with the faces you make, and your irresistible, funny stories. You can also laugh at yourself with astonishing lucidity.
Your character is that of a "happy pessimist" and you adapt easily to any context - and not without a certain amount of cunning. Confronted by a muscle-bound adversary, you use servility and flattery to lead him by the nose. Your skillfulness in the art of manipulation has no equal and you easily play the actor to soothe those around you. Crocodile tears and shameless lies are part of your daily bread. If you are caught, you have the good grace to recognize the error of your ways and can make others forgive you.
You jump from branch to branch, from problem to problem, with an incredible degree of fickleness that borders on childishness. It is difficult to keep you in one place; at the least sign of boredom, you swing to another tree. But behind your mimics and gestures hides an old monkey that the Chinese name The Wise One. Your fault: You want to be first at any price...