mondaysabitch Potty Mouths Anonymous
1. On a scale of 1 - 10, how foul would you say your mouth is?
Well, depends on the situation. On average, my foulness is about a 7. When I'm at work, it's about a 3 or 4, outside of work...yeah, more like a 9.
2. How free with your language can be be around your co-workers? How about your parents?
Coworkers - around most I don't have to watch too much of what I say, but I tone it down anyway because it's just not professional to walk around dropping the F-bomb so often.
Around my parents, I have NO censor.
3. Do you remember how your learned any swear words?
First one I 'learned' was 'asshole' i believe, in the 4th grade. after that, they all just sort of came to me in one way or another.
4. What are your favourite swear word alternatives (dang, darn, etc.)?
fartknocker instead of fucker...that's about it.
5. Have you ever gotten yourself into trouble by using inappropriate language? Please share funny stories
Only mildly. Once, in my only employee review at Gambones, I was told by my boss that the only thing I needed to work on was my language - he said I talk too much like a trucker.
I came back with 'well, I work for a construction company, what do you expect?'....he didn't like that answer.