Aug 13, 2004 00:59
1. i dont know you anymore. at all.
2. i hurt you a lot and i wish i could make it up to you, but i dont know if i can. dont hate me forever.
3. youre my lovah. and one of the most amazing people ive ever met.
4. DDR or die. what would i do without you?! you are the coolest and i love you tons!
5. we have a theme song. ummmworshipus. <3
6. that boy better treat you good, cause youre way cool and a good friend.
7. you hurt me more than i thought you could. i was dumb.
8. were moving to NYC. youre awesome.
9. you never cease to make me laugh. i love my kid.
10. i havent known you a really long time, but i like you a lot so far. you are all kinds of fun.
11. ummm youre cute.
12. i miss you!!!!! hahaha
13. i like you a lot even though we argue like brother and sister.
14. get another tat. you know you want to. <3
15. we used to be best friends. things change. even though i cant stop it, it still makes me sad when i think about it too hard.