not quite live bloggin

Jan 11, 2009 20:15

halfway through my bottle of prosecco, and it's only been an hour or so.  Guess who's feeling good?

First off, i love Kate Winslet.  Gorgeous girl, and she seems so REAL.  I want to be her friend and go shopping with her.

Secondly, when Bruce won, he mentioned people that 2 years ago I never would have heard of.  Thank you quicknow for educating me.  If he's actually playing the pre-inaugural concert, if you don't come down, you know you'll regret it.

BTW - Renee Zellweger has CRAZY hair.

Also, Eva Longoria (Parker) is totally over-done.

Now to continue with jambalaya and the last half of  my bottle.  (cleolinda  calls them the drinky oscars, so I'm totally validated in getting wasted while watching)

ETA: McDonalds commercial with little girl waiting for her mom returning from the army at a train station has me weepy.  It's a commercial for CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!  AND I'm EMOTIONAL!!!!


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