stuff from the past two days or so.

Apr 26, 2007 10:25

Let's see...where to start. 
  • Oh right - forms of doom:  Finished.  Printed.  Rock, rock on.
  • Interview (not to get the job, but as part of the job process) of doom: scheduled for two weeks from now.  is it just me or does this seem REALLY FAST?  Especially when you consider it's the government, and they actually wanted to get me in next friday, but I said, "NO WAI!" because that's when i'll be in florida to see my little sister officially join the military and become a grownup.
  • I saw The Fray last night, which was fun, especially sitting there with my friend Megan predicting which songs all the high schoolers would stand up and cheer for, and then proceed to sway to, because guys?  The Fray is not a band that you rock out and dance to...but these kiddies wanted to pretend they were.  Although the funniest part of the evening HAD to be the moment when the 12 year old boys who were sitting next to us (with their Mom), all stood up and then just stood there.  Good times.  AND - we left at the end of that song that plays with Grey's Anatomy, and because of this, we were 5 minutes ahead of everyone in the pursuit of getting-to-our-cars-and-getting-the-hell-out-of-Cary
  • the second best thing about the concert was explaining fanfiction and fandom to my friend Megan.  :)  If anyone has any recs for well written/fairly tame West Wing fic, I'm pretty sure she will be hooked in, and my role as the person who brings out the fannish tendencies of friends will be continued.
  • I am officially done with classes.  forever.  or at least until someone i work for wants to pay for me to get another masters degree.
  • Awesome: having Nesquick Fat Free Chocolate Milk (so yummy!).  More Awesomer: Have exact change to pay for it, and ONLY exact change.  ;)

thanks to the ever resourceful min for fixing the embedding code. it was seriously whacked out.
(also - assertive? spontaneous? seriously?)

music, job search, movies, memes, food, friends, grad school

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