update from across the pond

May 25, 2006 09:06

Hello all (not that there are too many of you reading this)!

Just a quick update to show that I am indeed, not dead from alcohol poisoning - something that more than one person has feared (either justly, or unjustly) on this trip. We librarians...we're a rowdy bunch.

We've been out a LOT. Like...5/7 nights. On average. (because we've been here more than 7 nights). And we tend to have at least two pints. And sometimes...get drunk, and caught in the rain, and then desire chips and cheese, which is basically cheesy fries. But oh...they are so good.

I have actually done some work at the Bodleian - gotten manuscripts, signed my name in blood (not really, but almost), but I've only been in the new part so far (that's where the dissertation I'm reading right now is), and my other books are being held somewhere in the Old Bod, and I think I'm going tonight to read them...but yeah. It's weird to have to take all those notes, and not have the actual text to look at - very contradictory to the American idea of open stacks and photocopying and all that. And I bet I could photocopy bits of this dissertation, but there don't seem to be signs anywhere about how to do that.

What else - oh. I'm distressed about missing all my favorite TV shows. It's season/series (NO!ALIAS!!!!) finale time, and I'm in a foreign country for nearly three weeks, missing ALL of it...and so I'm going to have to go home, and make a massive run on downloading stuff and then just watch it all, and cry and generally have a heart attack from the things that are going to happen. Like, apparently, the Office is amazing. And somebody on my flist went "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!![CHARACTER]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" for LOST, and Greys anatomy has somebody getting shot (the problems of accidentally going to TWOP), and there's just too much drama. And House - I mean...something has to happen there. There hasn't been much of a continuing storyline all season, so something HAS to happen.

Great is my TV angst. And my nerdage to actually be worrying about it.

oxford, tv, travel

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