Jul 11, 2008 09:17
Just now, as I was out on the porch retrieving the half-cup of coffee I'd left there earlier, I heard--then saw--a large deer approaching our lot. Then, to my surprise, there was another movement and the tiniest fawn came running full-tilt up behind, then ahead of, mom, followed by its less assertive twin. Mom looked both ways before crossing the open area and the twin followed close behind. The other fawn was already halfway back into the woods on the other side. These were the most beautiful pair of fawns I've ever seen (and the smallest--probably because they shared a womb).
I just love the nature show. I weeded the big front bed the other day (well, half-way--it is very big). I had to leave the two volunteer sunflowers, which made me quite happy. The night we returned from Italy, we drove up around midnight and there was a big brown fox about 20 yards from our driveway. Now I know who has been raiding the turtle nests. He was a most handsome fellow, I must say. Probably the steady diet of turtle eggs helps.