Germany: The #1 place to live if you're a filthy lying whore!

Jan 18, 2005 04:21,1564,1457216,00.html

Fathers' Rights Suffer Setback


German politicians seeking to outlaw secret paternity tests won a first battle on Wednesday, much to the disappointment of fathers' rights groups hoping for greater justice in the areas of alimony and child support.

The German Federal Court of Justice decided on Wednesday that paternity tests carried out in secret are inadmissible as evidence in a lawsuit. Unless the mother gave her consent for the test, the child's personal rights would be violated, the court in Karlsruhe ruled.

The decision was welcomed by German Justice Minister Brigitte Zypries, who is leading a campaign to make secret paternity tests illegal under a new law regulating the use of genetic data.

"These tests are a serious invasion of the private sphere," Zypries said. "If a man has doubts about his paternity, he should talk about this with the mother." (Anyone who seriously thinks that way needs a dose of old fashioned German Eugenics -Duncan)

Campaigners for fathers' rights in Germany say making secret paternity tests punishable would be yet another blow to men who already get the short end of the stick when it comes to laws regulating alimony, child support, and child custody following a divorce or separation.

"It cannot be that, as a woman, I have the right to make my husband pay to support a child that is not his own, or to deny children the right to know who their real father is," said Dr. Karin Jäckel, an active supporter of the fathers' rights movement and author of several books on the subject.

"Men are, in every respect, held responsible for their children under our laws, which is why they have the right to know who their children are."

Great, go go fucking Green Party, as if we all needed another reason to be grateful we don't live in Germany. Paternity fraud is an issue as old as time itself, luckily this is why God (or more likely some evil German scientist) invented DNA tests. Unfortunately it seems that some lazy, hairy, German feminist now considers it a woman’s right to fuck men over financially by denying them due process. So go knock yourself out Frauleins, you're free to cheat on your rich husband/boyfriend/fuckbuddy and still be guaranteed a portion of his income regardless of whose sperm lands in you.


* According to a US survey, up to 30 per cent of unwed mothers who sign affidavits of paternity name the wrong man as the father."

* "More than 250,000 tests a year are now conducted in America, and about 15,000 in Britain.... roughly 30% of men taking the tests discover that they are not the fathers of the children they regarded as their own. In the wider community, social scientists say up to 1 in 20 children are not the offspring of the man who believes himself to be their father".

* "The Australian Medical Association says that in at least 200,000 families "the presumptive father is not the biological father".
In the US, it is estimated that this is the case for up to one in ten people.
In Australia, about one in four men taking paternity tests discovers he is not the father of his children.
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