getting aggrivated

Dec 01, 2005 21:06

ok.. first off.. I love my parents.. dont get me wrong... but they are starting to drive me INSANE! Im getting aggrivated for a few different reasons.. 1. me and my mother have always had a great relationship.. and last year, when i went AWAY to college.. we got even closer, mainly cuz we couldnt fight about little things and she wasnt there to bug me. she let me grow up! NOT ANYMORE! now that I am BACK home.. and commuting to school she pisses me off to NO END! she always has to know where im going.. when im going. how long ill be there for and when ill be back! OMG i want to SHOOT myself! then if im on the phone. she has to know WHO im talking to! there is NO need for that! im a good kid. i havent fucked up that much in my life so she has NO reason NOT to trust me! she even has to know who im TEXT messaging! OMFG. another thing that pisses me off is shell come into my room and just stand there.. and then be like.. "damn, i forgot what i was going to say to you.. o well.. must not of been important!" she does this at LEAST once a day! obviously she didnt have anything to say to me.. she just want to come in! and she does it even MORE when pats over.. its her "sutal" way of checking up on us! EW! I hate it.. its driving me insane! and the MAIN reason it pisses me off is because she used to be the 'COOL' mom! and she would always say to me and becca too sometimes that beccas mom needs to let go.. give her some space.. she needs to grow up. blah blah blah.. well HELLO MOM! now your doing what you used to say Sandy shouldnt! so.. this is why i think im MOVING out as of may.. hopefully! Pat is getting an appartment with 2 of his friends, and hes asked me to move in with him. if i can afford it. IM SO DOING IT! ill have to pay $225 a month for rent.. but then i also have to pay for my car and insurance which is like $300 a month. and pat and i would probably join cell phone plans to make it cheaper.. but as of school again id have to pay like $133 a month for the commuter rail and red/green line. AND gas.. for my jeep so i can go back and forth to kingston from bridgewater. i REALLY hope this works.. i cant stay living with my rents another year! ill die.. i hope i start making a bunch of money at work.. i need it.

well.. thats really all.. i just needed to let that out and vent a bit.. have a great weekend everyone! xoxo ~Dara~
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