
Jul 19, 2011 12:38

"We have already mentioned the fact that the messianic-Galilean doctrine, in its original nature, did not aim to create a new form of social life or even of religion. It had a purely anarchist, antisocial, defeatist character, subversive of every rational order of things. A unique concern pervaded it, obsessively: the salvation of the soul of the individual in the face of the supposedly imminent coming of the 'Kingdom of God.'

"But when the prospect of this 'Kingdom' decayed and finally disappeared, the forces focused on this hope fell back into themselves, and from its individualistic aspect, the Semitic religion passed to its socialistic aspect. The ecclesia, the community of the faithful, understood as an impersonal and mystic medium made out of reciprocal need -- need for love, need to serve, need to communicate, need for reciprocal confirmation, reciprocal dependence of lives insufficient to itself -- replaced in each soul the vanishing reality of the 'Kingdom of God.'

Julius Evola. Heathen Imperialism. p38 [Bolding added]

religion, holy war, tradition

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