Akuzokuzan (To Kill Evil Instantly)

Mar 25, 2010 15:01

Thomas Cole's "The Course of Empire" & "The Voyage of Life"

If you think you have seen serious post partum, imagine being the child of this Danish artist...

Remember when there were empty lots and 10-20 kids to play?

Since we are talking about childhood, I guess you should beware both Greeks & School Districts bearing gifts...

image Click to view

Keith418 provided this link to "The Comic Book of Thoth," which is an interesting history on the evolution of the Tarot.

In not so related news, the Golden Dawn is under attack in Greece.

I found this interesting article on the Carl Schmitt: Turtullian & Gnostics & Christ (oh my)
The work of Schmitt belongs to the horizontal realm of dualistic antagonism that requires the antinomies of friends and enemies and perpetual combat.  Schmitt is a political and later geopolitical theorist whose political theology represents, not an opening into the transcendence of antagonism, but rather an insistence upon antagonism and combat as the foundation of politics that reflects Tertullian’s emphasis on antagonism toward heretics as the foundation of theology.  When Schmitt writes, in The Concept of the Political, that “a theologian ceases to be a theologian when he . . . no longer distinguishes between the chosen and the nonchosen,” we begin to see how deeply engrained is his fundamental dualism.

Ezra Pound and Eustace Mullins.

We also have a review of Savitri Devi's Prison Memoirs.

Science continues to investigate why we have an obesity epidemic. Enter High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Perhaps related, The Secrets of Shepherd Book will finally be revealed.

fandom, family, religion, art, occultism, health, tradition, world politics, poetry

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