In her first passion / A woman loves her lover / In all the others / All she loves is love (Byron)

Oct 15, 2009 08:02

Is it wrong to find them amusing when they refer to Spock positively while explaining how detrimental Jews are?
Quite naturally, White Nationalists want to cut loose that "huge anchor" pulling America in an anti-racist direction, eject the people who are "urinating" in our discursive pool, and cast off the "70 lb. backpack" holding down our movement. As Spock would say, it is only logical. I emphasize: this is not to say the Jews should be rounded up in concentration camps and exterminated. Rather, we believe they should seek refuge elsewhere, maybe in Israel where they already have a state of their own.

Romania Weighs Decriminalizing Consensual Incest

Yet another example of the abuse of sex offender laws.

Michigan allows people to be good neighbors again. Governor instructs child services to rewrite law so that watching neighbors children while they wait for the bus does not require a day care license.

Aleister Crowley 2012: [thanks Kieth418]

Julius Evola On Tradition And The Right [via keith418]
"Real men exist to attain knowledge of the transcendent and to strive and accomplish heroically."

"While in a ‘pure blood’ horse or cat the biological element constitutes the central one, and therefore racial considerations can be legitimately restricted to it, this is certainly not the case with man, or at least any man worthy of the name . . . Therefore racial treatment of man can not stop only at a biological level."

"Evola was no lackey of the Fascist regime. He attacked conciliation with the Vatican in the years before the 1929 Vatican Accords and developed an interpretation of race that directly contradicted the one favored by the German government and important currents within Fascism. His journal, La Torre (The Tower), was closed down in 1930 because of his criticism of Fascist toughs, gli squadristi. Evola, however, never had to face jail for his serious writings during the Fascist era. That had to wait for liberal democracy."

"Hansen quotes right-wing Italians who say that Evola’s influence discourages political action because his Tradition comes from an impossibly distant past and assumes an impossibly transcendent truth and a hopelessly pessimistic view of the present. Yet Evola confronts the modern world with an absolute challenge. Its materialism, egalitarianism, feminism, and economism are fundamentally wrong. The way out is through rejecting these mistakes and returning to spirit, transcendence and hierarchy, to the Männerbund and the Legionary Spirit. It may be discouraging to think that we are living in a Dark Age, but the Kali Yuga is also the end of a cosmic cycle."

She just the Girl you Want. Cat & Girl that is. They made a Devo Reference. Life is complete.

Sunday, 11 Oct, Doonesbury was pretty funny.

Anyone know more about this? H.R. 45: Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009

You often hear people say silly things like "Illegal Immigrants (or sometimes just Immigrants) are doing jobs that Americans won't do." If that is the case, then why aren't those industries exclusively (or at least dominated by) comprised of immigrants? Americans are doing the jobs -- if they can get them. VDare has an article that discusses the CATO institutes rather counter intuitive conclusions on immigration -- or more accurately, the enslaved underclass of American Corporatism. [via keith418]

keith418 gives us another installment on the life of Aleister Crowley. Here we have the chapter on Aleister Crowley from Avram Davidson's Adventures in Unhistory. (pp 103-127)

pop culture, comics, poetry, tradition, crowley

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