Hey I juss wanna write that this j0urnal will be Friends 0nly cuz I can't have the wh0le AoL ppl reading my shit! S0 y0u wanna read my life then ko0 c0mment me!! I'll add ya back n0 d0ubt b0ut it. Mad ppl gave me reas0n t0 put my journal friends such as
b`anne, thanx ma!! 0h ya ppl sho0d check ya j0urnal 0ut , it is funny...but her's is friend's 0nly to0. She's mad ko0, y0 I g0t mad luv f0r her and I d0n even kn0w her like that its juss funny! I juss wanna have a privacy hehe! 0k every1 take care mad luv, 1!!