Ok, first of all I have a trivia question for everyone.
Can anyone name an actor who has appeared in three seperate trilogies?
For example, Harrison Ford has been in Star Wars, Indiana Jones, but no other trilogy (or tetralogy, whatev). There is an actor who has been in three. I have no idea who though, and one of my friends needs to know as part of a competition thing.
faithx5? Anyone?
Ok, update.
We finally had a Philosophy of History lecture that I found interesting enough to want to write an essay about: Fukuyama's 'End Of History' thesis. Speaking of essays, me and Rhys have a system. Last year, we had a system where one of us would do an essay, send it to the other to... be inspired by *cough*, so that we'd only have half the work to do. That only applied to the unassessed essays by the way, not the ones that actually contribute to the degree. I'm no cheat. :p This year, we have a different system. The rules state that with the final portfolio essays, one for each module can be a re-working of one of the 1000 word essays we do now, but the other has to be a blind piece of work that isn't a re-working of a foundation piece. Well, me and Rhys will answer different essay questions for the foundation pieces, so that combined we get feedback on both essays and don't have to answer any of them blind. Not only is this not against the rules (it doesn't say a thing about reading other's feedback being prohibited), but also fits more into my desire to actually start working hard at uni, which will be the case if I need to answer all the essays myself from scratch instead of only half of them. Good system all round, I think.
Christmas shopping has started. I hate this time of year. Because the buses are always late, Cardiff is always packed, and just... there are people everywhere. I like Cardiff quieter when I come home from uni and the cinema. I've just started to think about presents.
Me: Dad, I know what you can buy mam for Christmas now. A car CD player. We need one.
Dad: Correction. You need one. Tell you what, you buy that, and I'll get the mobile phone.
Me: No, you buy that, and I'll get the mobile phone.
Dad: You'll just buy some cheap, nasty thing.
Me: Yes!
Dad: Yeah, well I'm going to buy a really good phone... then I'll give her the phone I'm using now.
*g* See the genes I have to work with? Selfishness is hereditary, I swear. :)
Still, I have decided I am *definitely* going to buy Christmas presents for the family this year. Shockingly, it'll be my first year of doing so. I sometimes get a present or two, like, in 2000 I bought a CD for my mother, and I think I bought one of my brothers something in the last few years. But pretty much, I've just not bought Christmas presents for people. So this year I will, for all the family. I still think my dad should buy the car CD player though, since he naturally has more money than me.
Finally went to see Love Actually this afternoon after uni. After raving about how excited I was to see it for ages, and then whining about the Americans being able to see it before us, and then being too tired to see it in the last week, I have seen it at last. Well worth the wait!
One of the best films I've ever seen, and a perfect Christmas movie. I loved the way in which the story worked, with so many seperate storylines going on that every time the movie switched to another one, after having concetrated on others, it was refreshing. It was a really great directorial debut. I have a few random thoughts on the movie.
Hugh Grant stole the show, as he always will. That guy rocks so much. And it was so great seeing him playing opposite Martine McCutcheon, who will have been unfamiliar to American viewers, but very familiar to those of us who watched her playing Tiffany in Eastenders for years. She was great in Eastenders, and it was great to see her on the big screen in this. Keira Knightly is waaay too gorgeous. Rowan Atkinson's cameo had me in stitches - one of the best moments of the movie. Colin Firth rocked, as he always does. Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman were both superb. The scene with Colin and the American girls (and how stunning are Elisha Cuthbert and January Jones) was hilarious. Bill Nighy as Billy Mack cracked me up with pretty much every sentence. The radio interview with his brutal honesty about his Christmas record was hilarious (though that record was better than a lot of the crap that got to Christmas number one in real life *cough* Westlife *cough*) And the storyline with Liam Neeson and his son was my favourite of all of them.
One other thing I particularly loved was how British it all was. Not just in cast, but all through the movie. Commentary on the terrible music that tends to compete for Christmas number one, the silence after Mack's comment on Blue being talented musicians, and his not knowing Ant from Dec (I don't know which one is which either.) It just made me really happy seeing all these British things on the big screen in a really great, sucessful movie.
Definitely one of my 3 favourite movies of the year.
3 things which scare me: Talking on the phone, hooligans, the possibility of being lonely.
3 things which I don't understand: Sooo many things. I'll go with three tame ones. Biology. Physics. Chemistry. :D
3 things I'd like to learn: How happiness can be achieved, how the world started, everything else. *g* Ok, that's cheating, um... whether there is an afterlife.
3 things I am wearing right now: The Undertaker (the wrestler) T-Shirt, jogging bottoms, socks.
3 things on my desk: Cup, junk mail, one of Ryan's DVDs.
3 things I want to do before I die: Find someone who loves me (never going to happen, but whatev :)), be entirely content with the amount of movies and books I have watched and read, be able to look back over my life and decide that I am completely happy with my life and who I've become.
3 good things about my personality: I'm very honest, I'm trying to be a better person, and I'm a fairly good listener, I think. Actually, perhaps too much honesty isn't a good thing - I'll try another one. Umm... I never ignore people.
3 bad things about my personality: I'm unwilling to bite my tongue to avoid confrontation, I'm selfish (though I'm trying to work on that) and I'm lazy.
3 parts of my heritage: English, Welsh, Irish. (Maybe... I don't actually know.)
3 things I like about my body: Umm. Eyes, hair (the hair itself, not the hair style *g*), height.
3 things I don't like about my body: Jaw, teeth, face in general.
3 things most people don't know about me: My real life friends don't know how unintelligent I am (well, not unintelligent, but unlearned), nor how whiny I can be. My online friends don't know how mean I used to be, nor how arrogant I used to be. My real life friends don't know just how much I've changed myself in the past half a year or so and how much I'm trying to further change myself (for the better I mean *g*). My online friends don't know... umm... how witty and funny I used to be when I was younger. That's 3 each I think. :)
3 things I say the most: Dogg, word up, whatev.
3 places I want to go: New Zealand, Canada, Europe.
3 names that I go by: Dave, Dai, Daps.
3 screen names I use or have used: Daps, KingOfBabble, WillowFanDSD.
And finally, on a totaly random note, what do Americans have with their Turkey for tomorrow's dinner? Does it vary, and only the Turkey is the important and constant part of the meal, or is there a set meal that everyone eats on Thanksgiving?
Ok, done.