Not a whole lot

Sep 24, 2003 11:38

It seems that almost everyone is depressed on here these last few days. And I'm about as happy and un-depressed as I've been in years, which is strange. *hugs* and *positive-vibes* to all who need them! :)

Got home from my mate's 21st early. Like, 10pm early.

I really enjoyed the day, though it wasn't the all-day, all-night thing I was expecting and hoping for.

First of all, Moggy organised it, and organised it badly. He had a vague idea of what he wanted to do for the day, but hadn't organised a meeting place, or even rang everyone who he wanted to invite. So two people didn't have a clue what was happening, the others knew that something was planned without know when, and I knew that I'd be getting a lift in the morning, and that's about it.

I was up at 10am, thinking he'd be collecting me at 11ish. In the end he only collected me at 2pm, but because I was expecting him to be there sooner, and because he had his mobile turned off, I didn't watch a movie, like I should have been doing. So I wasted the first 4 hours of the day entirely. At 2pm he finally did collect me, but my brother was so annoyed at the bad planning and wasted time (after getting the day off work too!) that he decided not to come with us, and to stay in playing Knights Of The Old Republic all day instead (he's addicted. "I was up past 1 playing it again last night. It's a bad, bad, bad, bad, bad game. Give it credit, it is one of the best games I've played in a long time." *g*) So the day didn't start off great, but from then on we went to a pub, played pool, then went to Stephen's house, where his housemates had got him presents and stuff.

I enjoyed playing and losing all my games of pool once again one day my time will come!, and caught up with another couple of friends I'd not seen in a few months. One of which let me know that we have university enrolment today. I'm so looking forward to uni! Also, only one of us has long hair now, compared to a year ago when all of us did!

We discussed loads of movies all day (and again re-enforced just how many movies I need to see!) as well as remembering fun times in the past - always a fun topic, and made me really wish that I still had a house to myself. They were also making their arguments as to why I should start smoking weed (or at least give it a chance). I'm still being resistant, despite having got over a stuck-up anti-weed attitude that I had a couple of years ago (and my attitude really *was* appalling, and I've only recently realised how much so), but they win these arguments and I'm left with "just 'cause" and the like. I don't mind them trying to convince me, because they clearly feel like I'm badly missing out, and they didn't push or anything. They were comparing it to knowing a foolproof way of winning the lottery, and that they'd naturally want to share it with all their friends. "Except discovering weed is better than winning the lottery would be", says them. *g* In all fairness, I don't have a clue why I won't just give it a chance. On another note (sort of), they all found out about my conversion to Family Guy enjoyment, and rather than being all mocking, they were just genuinely pleased that I was finally getting enjoyment from something they've been getting enjoyment from for years, and no longer missing out. Which pretty much sums up how cool they are all being about it. So yeah, we watched a couple of season 2 episodes of Family Guy, by which time Stephen had celebrated his 21st birthday by getting wrecked and passing out by 8pm. :)

The plan had been to go carting, then to have a meal in a pub, and then go to a rock club for the night. We did none of those things, so the day has to be considered an anti-climax, compared to how great it could have been, but it was still a really nice day spent with friends.

I love my current music, and the new album it's from (I am entirely not ashamed to admit that Limp Bizkit are one of my favourite bands of the last few years *g*), though I still think Anthony Stewart Head sang it better than Fred Durst. :)

Definitely going to watch a few movies in the next two days. I have The Princess Bride, Only You, O Brother Where Art Thou, and Rear Window all waiting for me to watch, and I'll have to get to the cinema as well.

And, erm, I'd better go and enrol, and stuff. Missing enrolment tends not to be a good idea. :)
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