Sep 18, 2003 23:33
Day off work = movie watching. Watched 5 today. :) The first four of them at the cinema. The first one of those I actually went and saw with a friend, instead of on my own. *g*
Blackball - Good British comedy. The concept in and of itself was hilarious: the sport of lawn bowls being turned into a big media success thanks to 'the bad boy of bowls', and it was pretty funny in a lot of places. A really good movie overall, well worth seeing.
Jeepers Creepers 2 - Worse than the first one, though still really enjoyable. There was some bad acting in it, and the villain is one of the most boring horror movie villains I can remember. But it was alright. Nothing special.
The Sin Eater - A pretty mediocre religious horror movie, and panned by just about everyone that's seen it, from what I can tell. Any movie that bombs despite having as bright a star as Heath Ledger in it has clearly been a failure. It had some interesting ideas based on Catholicism in it, but was too darkly lit, didn't move quickly enough, and the 'feel' of the movie was all wrong. Not a terrible movie, but considering it had potential, was a massive disappointment.
Citizen Verdict - From what I can tell, this movie, about a TV show that broadcasts murder trials on TV and allows the public to vote guilty or innocent, and then broadcasts the execution live if the defendant is found guilty, hasn't been released in the US yet. I didn't hate it. I think I'll be the only person who sees this movie and doesn't hate it. The acting was terrible, the script was ridiculous, and stylistically the movie was all wrong as well (they tried mixing in some TV coverage, and some documentary-style sections such as interviews with people on the street, to the movie - and it really didn't work.) I still that reality TV being criticised is a good thing, but it will be done a whole lot better than this. Jerry Springer still rocks though!
Two fairly average movies and one really bad one, leaving just one really good movie for the cinema day. For some reason, even when 3/4 of the movies aren't great, I still love a day at the cinema. Besides, it was more than made up for with the DVD I watched.
Shakespeare In Love - Fantastic movie. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it, and when it was released in the cinema a couple of my friends wanted to see it but I decided we'd watch something else instead. I'm a fool. Loved it from start to finish, and one of the best depictions of true love in a movie I've ever seen. Plus great, funny script, looked great, and pretty much everything that can be good about a movie was present. Wonderful.
In non-movie news, I bought Knights Of The Old Republic today, which Ryan will play first. He's a total RPG addict, but has so far found it really difficult to get used to. Him being a natural gamer, and brilliant at every single game, and me being absolutely useless at almost every game, leads me to think I am going to find it 10 times as difficult. I'm sooo the weak gamer of the family: even my 9 and 10 year old brothers are way better than me.
I played an hour or so of The Wind Waker last night. I'd not played it in a couple of months, and couldn't even remember where I'd got to in the game or where the story had progressed to, so I'm glad I'm all caught up with that now (via the walkthrough of what I've already done.) Zelda games are so great.
No work tomorrow, and nothing to wake up early for. However, I am having a night out, which I'm kinda looking forward to. :) I need to send my DVD back so that I can get another one as soon as possible, but there are two commentaries on it. I may watch on, and then drive to the post box at 3am or something to post it, but I wanna play more Zelda too. Hmm, it's a nice choice to have I suppose. :)
On a music note, though Justin Timberlake and Rachel Stevens records are going to sell the most this week, and Staind probably won't make the top 30, their new single, So Far Away, is an absolutely brilliant song. I love that band. Also, Muse's new single Time Is Running Out rocks, as indeed does their new album. However, listening to their new album once reminded me of how great a song Bliss is (from their previous album), so I'm listening to that all the time now.
I need to buy a new video, because my one has broken, and I want to watch some movies I have taped off Sky recently. I'm also considering getting a new TV.
I'm going clubbing for the first time tomorrow night. (Well, I've been to rock clubs before, but not clubs that actually make me wear a shirt and shoes to get in. *g*) Hopefully it'll be a good night out, and I'll have to take back all the bad things I said about these type of clubs in the 20 years of my life that I didn't own a pair of shoes or a shirt. Bloody elitists! :) Remaining sceptical though, as I've just never been able to picture myself in a club. We'll see.
I think that's pretty much it.