Amazing blog!

Sep 28, 2007 13:35

I came across Terence Tao's weblog recently. I am incredibly impressed with it.

Terry Tao is a noted mathematician who was awarded the Field's Medal in 2006. (Sigh, he is only 2.5 years older than I am.) His mathematical output is unbelievable. MathSciNet lists 135 papers with him as an author. To give an idea of how impressive that is, I was given the advice that I should aim to have a total of 4-7 papers published by the time I am his age.

His weblog makes for really good reading, with a mixture of content for the non-specialist mathematician and for the general public. His advice for mathematicians is also quite interesting. He touches briefly on his experiences as a child prodigy, and he also gives remarkably down-to-earth advice. He is quite against the cult of the genius, and puts in some effort to tear that myth down. I find it quite comforting, given that I am not one.
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