Урсула Ле Гуин - речь на церемонии вручения награды за выдающийся вклад в американскую письменность.

Nov 25, 2014 22:14

Очень, очень здорово говорит! И тут не только про писателей и издателей - здесь про свободу вообще. Как водится за ней.

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Изо всех сил рекомендую послушать. Я уже три раза слушала :)
И - много хороших комментариев под роликом на ю-тьюбе.

"In many ways the 65th National Book Awards ceremony still belonged to beloved fantasy author Ursula K. Le Guin. LeGuin, the author of such classics as The Left Hand of Darkness and the Earthsea novels, got a standing ovation when she came on stage to accept an award for distinguished contributions to American letters.

Once she was onstage, she pulled no punches in a fiery speech about art and commerce. "We just saw a profiteer try to punish a publisher for disobedience, and writers threatened by corporate fatwa," LeGuin said. "And I see a lot of us, the producers, accepting this - letting commodity profiteers sell us like deodorant!"

She was referring to the recent dispute between Amazon and the publisher Hachette over e-book pricing. The power of capitalism can seem inescapable, LeGuin said, but resistance and change begin in art. And writers should demand their fair share of the proceeds from their work.

"The name of our beautiful reward is not profit. Its name is freedom."" отсюда

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