Watched more Torchwood two days ago with Meat (Friend Who Was Also Interested in Torchwood):
The first on the list was Countrycide. It was pretty intense, but I also didn't feel as emotionally attached as I'd done with the previous two episodes. This isn't really a bad thing, because after the roller coaster I'd put myself through on Sunday, I was grateful to not be so exhausted. I enjoyed the episode as a whole, but overall it wasn't that big a deal. I loved Ianto trying to be a badass so Tosh could escape, even though he got his ass kicked afterwards...and I'm a terrible human being, but it was difficult not looking at Tosh's boobs as she ran through the woods. >_>
Next was Greeks Bearing Gifts. I'm really glad they finally did a Tosh-centric episode, because I was starting to take her for granted and hadn't really gotten a firm grasp on her character short of her being the computer-savvy member of the team. I really felt for her - it's got to be difficult, working a job where your coworkers apparently don't care for you very much. It doesn't help that she started using the mind-reading pendant on Owen, who's a (wonderful) jerk, and Gwen, who is still confused about her affair with Owen and not being able to tell Rhys about her job. (Saying it like that makes Torchwood sound like a sci-fi soap opera...) I felt like I should have come to Owen and Gwen's defense, because we all have moments where even the people we like the most get on our nerves; still, I didn't think that scene in particular was poorly written. Out of context, it would be awfully naive of Tosh to think that Owen and Gwen were tired of her, but she'd also spent the entire episode thus far being an emotional train wreck. What really made me wibble was when she looked into Ianto's thoughts...poor boy, so brave, putting on such a strong face. I want to hug him D:
I felt clever realizing that Tosh couldn't read Jack's thoughts, though. Meat had thought she'd seen some sort of kinky thing that couldn't be vocalized. :D
I also want to go on record by saying that Tosh saving that mom and kid from the deranged ex-husband was incredibly badass, and I'm so glad she was able to save them.
It's impressive to note that, seven episodes into the series, every main cast member has kissed a member of the same sex. You can't get away with something like that seriously in the US - all we get in the way of homosexual television is stupid shit like King of Queens and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, which treats same-sex relationships as a mockery.* (Kevin James, if you like being involved in comedies that treat homosexuality as a whole like a joke, you are free to suck my cock dry.) (Also, whoever thought Adam Sandler was a good choice to handle homosexual rights should have a dunce cap fused to their skull.)
We had time to ingest one more episode, so we moved onto They Keep Killing Suzie. I wasn't really into the episode, because I saw Suzie being the Villain Of The Week coming from a mile away. Ianto was absolutely adorable though - I'd go with Risen Mitten any day of the week.
This episode has made me realize that Gwen is my least favorite of the Torchwood team** - not so much in an "ugh she's such a shitty character" way as a "she's interesting, but her redeeming qualities are sort of bland compared to the other members of the cast," a notion that was reinforced by having just watched Greeks Bearing Gifts.
I was proud of myself once more for identifying the unspoken "would you like a coffee?" moment between Jack and Ianto at the very end. D'aww :3
* I'd like to go on record by saying I have no problem with jokes relating to, about, or lampooning homosexuality (so long as they're not made to be hurtful), but most US entertainment-media treats the topic as a flimsy, shallow, laughable thing, no homo.
** My favorites, from most to least in order: Owen/Ianto, Jack, Tosh and Gwen. I adore Jack in Doctor Who, but Friends Who Were Disinterested In Torchwood had a valid point: much of Jack's appeal in DW is due to the relationship he shares with the Doctor, Rose and Martha. (And Mickey, to an extent.) They banter so well with each other :D
Also, I don't believe I've heard Jack drop a serious cuss yet! I wonder if that's to keep his appeal with DW fans? He kind of went nuts with his guns at the end of Countrycide, though, so I dunno.