Apr 18, 2005 07:55
man, this weekend was pretty rad! Friday night I went to a party in JP and saw the Can Kickers and then danced to some DJ and did some night time bike riding (I now have a headlight and a tail light! the head light is fancy), and then went out for brunch on Saturday and did more bike riding, did my laundry, watched the Sex Pistols Filth and the Fury movie, made dinner and passed out early. then got up early sunday, went to a Comic book convention, hung out with Serge and his boss who were working the ComiCon, bought a Rush DVD that's not available in the US (brazilian import!) for only $6 and The Evil Dead for $6 too, a bunch of sci-fi type comics, and then went out to Sharon for a big family get-together with my uncle and my grandmother and some cousins and stuff. we got crazy amounts of Chinese food from Mandarin Taste. then I came home and fell asleep watching Evil Dead.
I want an explanation of why there's a guy standing next to the bridge at the beginning of the movie when they go to cross it and the car gets stuck. there's just some dude hanging out there in the middle of nowhere. I assume it was a member of the crew who wasn't supposed to be in the shot.