Jan 21, 2005 12:58
Well yesterday i went to jessica hallamns house and hung out with a shit load of people...it was matt miles, billy, evan smith, alex polvere, danny hilton, cam miller, jessica(obviously) claire, katy hansen, katie bondi, dan gumma, aiden, ect ect..there was a shit load of us. It was pretty fun some things didnt work out the way i wanted them to but o WELL...hopefully next time things work out better...still liek the same girl..she was there and we had a pretty good time..again..some things didnt work out as well as i wanted them to.however..i must say i did have a good time at jessicas house..TODAY in like an hour im leaving to go to Wisconsin to Granite Peak to snowboard...it will be awesome and i get to get my mind off some things and continue to think about this ONE person..i like her alot..i do...but we will see where this leads me since to me..she seems like she likes to flirt alot haha..but what girls dont that im friends with..hmmmmmm....but yes this will be my last entry for like three days so leave some good comments for me so when i get back i know whats goin on and stuff....you guys all kick ass and keep it real..hollaaaa
~PodMan~ <-- oNe aNd oNlY~