Aug 16, 2005 21:07
1.Spell your name backwards: yentruoc
2.Who is your worst enemy?: no one really
3.If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?: duckies! lol
4.What is the latest you've ever stayed up?: Not sleeping at all.
5.Ever been to Belgium?: No?
6.What's your favorite coin?: Quarter
7.Wallet: pink...i dont know the brand
8.Brush: Purple
9.Toothbrush: Pink
10.Jewelry worn daily: My necklace from my grandma and the matching earings and whatever else i feel likea t the moment
11.Pillow cover:blue hawian flowers
12.Blanket: Same as my pillow cover.
13.Coffee cup: i dont have one impiticular one
14.Sunglasses: which pair?
15. Walls: dark blue
16.Shoes: Some kind of sandles
17.Handbag: haha i have like a million
18.Favorite top: hmm i have lots of them
19.Favorite bottoms: my new light blue ones
20.Cologne/Perfume: star by tommy hilfiger
21.CD in stereo right now: a mix from my homie kenna that i love so much
22.Tattoos: None at the moment i tihnk im gettin one on my back soon though
23.Piercings: Ears and soon to be bellybutton
24.Wearing: Light blue pj pants and a white tank
25.Hair: messy bun
WHAT/WHO (is/are) ...
26.In my mouth: my tounge?
27.In my head: how i want to hang out with zac
28.Wishing: I wasn't so bored.
29.After this: Watching T.V. and eating food
30.Talking to: my baby!
31. Eating: soon to be a hamburger
32.Do you like candles: Yes
33.Do you like hot wax: No?
34.Do you like incense: Some
35.Do you like the taste of blood: No?
36.Person you wish you could be with right now: Zachary Ryan Burns
37.What/Who is next to you: my sister
38.What do you want done with your body when you die: I want to get cremated.
39.Do you believe in love: Yes
40.Do you believe in soulmates: Yes
41.Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes
42.Do you believe in Heaven: Yes
43.Do you believe in forgiveness: Deffinately
44.Do you believe in God: Yes
45.What's something that you wish people would understand: lots of stuff
46.What's something you wish you could understand better: why ppl are such bitches
Are you emotional: Sometimes too much..
Do songs make you cry? A few.
1. Nervous Habits: I bite my nails, ONLY when im nervous and I can't sit still.
2. Are you double jointed: No
3. Can you roll your tongue: Yah kinda
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: One of them, not the other.
5. Can you blow spit bubbles: Haha, lemme check...Yah. lol
6. Can you cross your eyes: Yes
7. Do you make your bed daily: Haha, who does that?
-- FOOD --
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti: Yah
16. Have you ever eaten Spam: No
17. Favorite ice cream flavor:chocolate :)
18. How many cereals in your cabinet: Like 6ish
19. What's your favorite beverage: dr. pepper
20. what was the last restaurant you went to: burger king i think?
21. Do you cook: Yah
27. Animal: monkey!
28. Food: spaghetti
29. Month: March cause its my b-day
30. Day: Saturday
31. Cartoon: SpongeBob
32. Shoe Brand: Idk
33. Subject in school: social studies or art
34. Color: pink and black
35. Sport: softball or hockey
36. TV show: uh i dont really have one im more of a movies person
38. Thing to do in the summer: Hang out with friends and party!
-- LA LA LAND --
48. What's your sleeping position: On my side or stomach
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket: Yah
50. Do you snore: I don't think so.
51. Do you sleepwalk: sometimes
52. Do you talk in your sleep: Yep
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Not usually.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: yeah normally one or the other
56. Last interesting person you met: haha no clue
well im going to bed love you zac!!