Whoa is me

Oct 09, 2005 15:37

Well another day.. another.. boring post in my live journal.

Again.. not too much happening around here lately.. just been up at the Fire House until the butt crack of dawn. A lot of what we call "bullshit" calls. Stupid things.. like..

Scorpions/Bees/etc: What the hell you want us to do?? Call a God damn exterminator

My Tummy Hurts: Now this one can be categorized into many different branches..(here are a few of the most common)
(A) I have got diarrhea: Take Some Pepto.. Tums.. Rolaids.. Mylanta.. If it doesnt work.. CALL YOUR DOCTOR!

(B) I can't poop: Okay your constipated, eat prunes, drink prune juice, take a Senecot or any other stool softener, you'll be GUARANTEED to poop!

(C) I think I ate something bad: Okay.. well dont eat it again.

I locked my keys in my car, but its not running, no one(aka baby) is locked inside, or there is no other form of emergency due to your keys being locked in: Okay so you call 911 because you are too cheap to call a locksmith.. Son of a Bitch!!

Now there are a whole plethora of other B.S. calls but the list is way too long.. those are just the most common.
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