Aug 09, 2005 22:28
Ok, 1st things 1st.
ATTENTION!!! To whom it may concern (and to those it doesn't), We're putting together a welcome home party for Daniel. He comes home Sunday.. And by party, I mean dinner... So, Sunday evening, 4:45 at Carino's, we're gonna like, pants him or throw him into a confetti maker... or throw confetti... or something. But anyway, ya, he comes back Sunday afternoon, and he'll be having dinner at 5:15 at Carino's Sunday evening before moving like the next day. So everyone should come if you know him, or want to say hello/goodbye, and its a good time to hang out with people. So I highly recommend you come. And tell everyone you know, or who cares, or who will listen, because ya, it'll be fun, he hasn't really seen anybody this summer, so it'll be fun.
Anyway, so on to that obligatory part of the entry that every single one of my college bound friends has made...
Ok, now that I have that said and done. I seriously wish I could, in all honsty, say I'm ready to go, not worried, facing this whole thing blah blah blah blah. Ya, but I can't...
So I'm still scared to death of leaving, like, I really feel like I'm not ready... I don't have enough time. So many people I want to spend time with, but time is so short, for me and them, its just, I feel like I can't do it... I don't wanna... Well, I mean, I do, but I don't... I dunno... I kinda wish everyone else moved before me, I don't like being the first one out, it sucks, because that means I have to leave stuff behind. I mean, the less there is, the less there is to leave behind, but no, I'm the first to leave, which blech!!! I mean, I move out Saturday, come back Sunday, and maybe monday, I dunno... I don't know what to do the first days there, I mean, I just have to kill time? I dunno. I don't want to spend all the time wishing I was back home, or doing other stuff, I dunno.... I have a whole lot more somewhere, but I'm freakin tired, and feeling kinda really icky, so I think I'm going to space out for a while....