Dec 20, 2005 17:49
One more exam left, 3 more days of work, and then it's Daphne + Turkey + YAMS = <3
I'm 95% sure that my family is having X-mas dinner on Dec 26th this year and you all are welcome to join us again (Katie that goes for your family too). I say 95% cuz apparently our stove is here but I really don't see it, and you can't cook without a stove. Maybe i'm blind, or maybe it's that thing that's wrapped up in the kitchen.
I'm procrastinating from studying for my last exam. I just want it to be over. And then I'm gonna get really drunk and go to Caprice. :D Ooh, and I have boxing day off, so that makes me really excited. Oodward wants to go shopping. I want to go to the coach outlet in the states on the 29th or 30th and go boxing day sales crazy... they have sales all week in the states too right?
Why am I so happy? I had a good day. :) I got my "Instant Immersion Chinese" in the mail from Amazon, and they sent it on Sunday. Yay fast! Haha I really don't know why I ordered that. OK I have nothing to say really I'm just wasting time. :D
Oh and I was exposed to Harry Potter for the first time last night, it was a sad sad moment (but not really haha it wasn't bad!) :P