
Jan 07, 2009 14:28

I'm in London.

I am safe, healthy, and happy.

I am very busy, and a little tired.

I have done and seen many things, and have many more to see and do.

Behind the cut is the email I wrote to my dad, which doubles nicely as a basic rundown of what I've done so far:

Sorry it's taken so long, but it's more difficult for me to get to internet cafes this time.  There aren't any close to the hotel.  Speaking of the hotel, it's...kinda not as good as last time.  At ALL.  But that's just shallow stuff, like the beds being very small, the breakfast being awful, the toilet flushing...sometimes...but it's in a LOVELY safe neighbourhood.

Actually, we sort of got caught in the middle of a riot the night of the protests (just sort of blundered in to the middle of one) at High Street Kensington, and ran up to the police (not the ones on horses) with Siouxsie begging, "This is a school trip, these are American students, get us out of here!"  It worked.  Amusingly enough, it was the night we saw Les Miz, and we encountered barricades.  Well, I think it was amusing.  It sure was after the fact.

My pedometer fell off in the subway today, which was sad.  However, it isn't very accurate, and you have to take big strange steps for it to work, so I suppose it isn't much of a loss.  But wow, we're certainly doing plenty of walking!  And I found a restaurant near the hotel that sells tuna and cucumber on a baguette for 2.8 pounds (the pound key on my keyboard isn't working), which is really nice!

Saw Oedipus with Ralph Feinnes.  I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but that man can act.  Oh, yes, he can.  I'm still ambivalent about the production itself (some weird staging choices), but WOW.

We saw a great old British comedy called "Mary Goes First," which is frankly hilarious.  What else....Hamlet tonight, and I'm seeing the movie "Inkheart" with my friend Sarah in an hour.  Also did Westminster Abbey, the Tate (I went alone this time, which was a really good choice), Covent Garden, and the Banqueting House at Whitehall Palace.

Have invested in earplugs--one of my roommates snores.  And the hotel iteslf is really loud--old mechanics groaning, garbage trucks trucking, toilets flushing for no reason...yeah.  Remember how last time we got me a few extra days in the same hotel?  Let's not do that this time.  At least with a hostel I know what I'm paying for.

To be fair, Siouxsie took the money we didn't spend on the hotel (it's also almost half as cheap) and invested in much better tickets to the shows, and money for entrance fees.  I'm thinking I'll skip the Tower of London--I've seen it, and it's 16.50, the lines are ridiculous, and it takes foreeeeeever.

Did I mention that it's FREEZING here???  It's SO COLD!  I must needs hunt down a scarf, as for some reason I left home without one.  I suppose I could knit one, but frankly, that's a waste of my time when London wants me to see it, and there are hundreds of people who want to sell me scarves.

This is a sad thing: I have scouted high and low, and haven't found a single Cadbury with shortcake biscuits.  I really need to go to a big supermarket instead of just newsstands, I suppose, but my heart is still heavy with the lack.

That's all the time I have--busy busy busy!  Love you!


I really find myself wanting to go elsewhere--to Scotland, to Paris, to Florence.  Since I'm not being crazy with spending money, I think it's going to be feasible for me to do something like that.  I'm definitely going to Bath, hopefully Cardiff.  OH.  UM.  So, Jim Taylor is Eleven, hmm?  I........will reserve judgement.

Right, off to the movies!


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