(no subject)

Sep 30, 2005 23:43

3 Cyborg
1 Robin/Starfire
1 Robin/Speedy (Not really shippy, but can be read that way)
1 Tim/Kon


Dick Grayson
Victor Stone
Roy Harper
Garfield Logan

Doom Patrol

Comment, Credit, and Enjoy!

For the comics/cartoon colorbars, if you don't want it to say Robin is comics/cartoon love, but want it to say Dick Grayson or Nightwing is comics/cartoon love, feel free to change it. Just don't remove my link, and we'll be okay. :)

Speedy is comics/cartoon love

http://www.livejournal.com/~daphne121">http://www.sapphirekiss.net/royharpercolorbar.png" border="0">
Speedy is comics/cartoon love

Robin is comics/cartoon love

http://www.livejournal.com/~daphne121">http://www.sapphirekiss.net/dickgraysoncolorbar.png" border="0">
Robin is comics/cartoon love

Beastboy is comics/cartoon love

http://www.livejournal.com/~daphne121">http://www.sapphirekiss.net/garfieldcolorbar.png" border="0">
Beastboy is comics/cartoon love

Cyborg is comics/cartoon love

http://www.livejournal.com/~daphne121">http://www.sapphirekiss.net/victorstonecolorbar.png" border="0">
Cyborg is comics/cartoon love

Aqualad is comics/cartoon love

http://www.livejournal.com/~daphne121">http://www.sapphirekiss.net/garth.png" border="0">
Aqualad is comics/cartoon love

Raven is comics/cartoon love

http://www.livejournal.com/~daphne121">http://www.sapphirekiss.net/ravencolorbar.png" border="0">
Raven is comics/cartoon love

Starfire is comics/cartoon love

http://www.livejournal.com/~daphne121">http://www.sapphirekiss.net/koriandrcolorbar.png" border="0">
Starfire is comics/cartoon love

Doom Patrol is Nostalgic Love

http://www.livejournal.com/~daphne121">http://www.sapphirekiss.net/doompatrolcolorbar.png" border="0">
The Doom Patrol is Nostalgic Love

Apprentice is Robin Love

http://www.livejournal.com/~daphne121">http://www.sapphirekiss.net/apprenticerobin.png" border="0">
Apprentice is Robin love

Bonus "Hot" Bases

Edit: I'm really sorry I messed up the coding for the Dick Grayson colorbar before. If any of the codes are still messed up, just notify me, and I will fix it.

colorbars, dc comics, icons, toon titans

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