Oct 14, 2006 12:56
Alright first yes I'm ok, I'm just getting lazier with telling the story so I figured I'd get it out here.
So I'm riding my bike home around midnight last night, and I'm cruising on Mt. Everest. I'm just grooving to some music and see 4 people walking on the left side of the street. I think something like "oh hey, 4 people!", and its kind of too late before I realize whats going on. They see me and scatter across the street and put on their menacing thug attitude. These bozos were pretty much exactly out of bottle rocket, a bunch of losers just trying to cause trouble, fucking me over much more than they're actually benefiting. The guy on the right throws me off the bike so I eat shit pretty hard. I'm immediately like man I don't have anything on me, I don't have anything. I take out my wallet to show him and give him the $2 I have, but by this point I'm on the ground and he's already taken my wallet and phone. The other guys snatch the bag that was on my bike that had my CD player with my nice headphones and my bike lock. Everest right near Balboa is a somewhat active street, so they bounce as soon as they can, and luckily they were either stupid enough / cool enough / it wasn't practical enough for them to take my bike.
The worst part is that its like... hey guys, my wallet has some shit in it with sentimental value, and I'm going to cancel my phone and debit card as soon as I get home, so can I give you like $10 and both of us can be better off? The headphones were the worst blow, and just the idea that I got jumped around the corner from my house. My knees fucking hurt.
Soo I currently do not have a phone, hopefully I'll get on getting a new one soon.