And you thought only the South got this hot... Ithaca is apparently now experiencing a heat wave (defined as "a period when temperatures of 90 degrees or more are predicted for at least three days") and our county has issued a "heat advisory."
Ha. I laugh at your heat wave. Today I went jogging (I had to, I hadn't been in weeks!) in 92° (33°) weather right in the middle of the day, out to the lake and back, basically just dodging from shade tree to shade tree. I managed to make it a 40-minute run, albeit an extremely slow one. When I came home, all of my skin and clothing was uniformly drenched in sweat.
It was worth it.
Ithaca. A tiny, quirky place - I forget each time just how very quirky. And tiny. I can't go downtown (or, as it turns out, grocery shopping) without bumping into five people I know. Ran into my friend's brother within a minute of arriving downtown the first time, saw my elementary school best friend at the bank (and she didn't see me, and I didn't want to bother her, and now I feel bad I didn't say anything), went out to dinner with my parents and saw my high school karate/psychology/English teacher (yes, really). Went to the grocery store (okay, to be fair, this is the biggest and most comprehensive grocery store in town, so everyone I know goes there) and while waiting five minutes for my mom, I saw a guy I used to do local theater with, and a guy from another local theater, and someone who might have worked at my middle school, and the guy who's living in my friend's parents' basement... Last time I came home, I went to the other major supermarket (the hippie one, instead of the yuppie one) and ran into three different acquaintances at the same time in the parking lot.
There's a great old poem about Ithaca, about driving down extremely steep Buffalo Street from Collegetown toward downtown and realizing that your brakes have failed and you can't stop and as you careen toward the intersection at the bottom of the hill in the last moment you realize the person in the crosswalk is your ex-wife.
That's Ithaca.
Also, my dad and I made ice cream! And I went to trivia night at a bar with multi-generational friends (good for covering all the pop culture trivia bases) and we lost, but I won a t-shirt. And we had really good Thai food. And most of the time it's too hot to go out, and I've read a lot of books and eaten a goodly number of bagels.
Also also, the best reconnaissance I've rustled up so far is that Paul the German Psychic Octopus has
tapped Spain to win the semifinal tomorrow, but also that the Spain thing is actually a FRAUD! Are you on the edge of your seats yet??
In Paul's honor, our trivia night team was called the "Prognostopi." (That's "prognosis" plus "octopi," in case you couldn't tell just like I couldn't.)