Mar 22, 2009 19:27
Sure, the AIG bonuses were an outrage...they were legally obligated to pay out those bonuses...if the government had allowed AIG to fail in the first place, this outrage wouldn't have happened! And now that the House wants to tax 90% of bonuses, it just seems to me, stupid.
And here's a good point, from Zack Barron (in his Letter to the Editor for the Wall Street Journal)
"Does anyone else find it an abdication of responsibility that Congress and the president spent less time debating and investigating a $787 billion stimulus package, a $410 billion spending package, and a $3.9 trillion budget than they have spent excoriating AIG over $165 million in contractually obligated bonuses?
Zackary Barron
Remember kids, $165 million is not even a percent of the our glorious stimuls bill OR the budget that is being pushed through Congress.