Feb 26, 2005 15:28
Why must i be penilized for not driving...why. I mean, do i not support the local economy by spending my money, by taking the bus and paying $2.50 per ride. Because i can't afford a car, and thus don't have a licence, i don't have legal id apparently. I mean, i have my health card...which has a photo of me...and if that isn;t enough i also have my sin card and birth certificate, bank card with my name...hospital card. I mean obviously i'm me, and i'm almost 20. What good is a birth certificate, fuck all. It does get you other i.Ds which are not legal id and thus do fuck all for you. Fucking bastards, always sticking it to my when they can. It just fucking pisses me off, i mean i am legal age...and athough i have all these cards with photos, which i obtained from the government. I have no way of proving i;m me, unless of course i drive. I mean fuck, we can';t all drive, i mean no wonder the air is so polluted, people have no choice but to spend the time,effort and money on obtaining a licence, and once you have one, you might as well drive.
I say fuck the government, fuck my ids not being legal....
........give my my fucking bingo ticket!!!