Jun 13, 2006 23:14
Heeheehee. Korea won against Togo. 2-1.
I think I love Ahn Jung Hwan. OMG, he's hot. *0* Ahahahahahaha. And blonde Lee Chun Soo too, because he's so easy to spot even when he's running around like the red devil he is. *rofl* And they both scored goals. :)
대한민국! *clapclapclapclapclap*
OMG. I am turning into a soccer freak. But 'tis fun, I swear. :D I am so glad I took soccer for PE class last semester. ^__^
I can't wait for the Korea vs. France match next week. But I'm not sure who I'd be cheering for next week. :x Ahahaha. ^^;;