Let The Rain Fall, I don't Care

Jun 29, 2012 21:09

Jas recounted how we were walking along Ayala Triangle one evening, when one of them suddenly said, "Oi, may Momo na pala dito!" and I suddenly tensed up. She had some trouble trying to recreate my scared-as-sh*t face since she was laughing so hard at the memory. Apparently I thought they said "mumu" (ghost) instead of Momo. Being friends for decades, they are all aware how much I detest horror stories and scary movies. The look I must've given that night must've been something else to have all of them in stitches. (side note: who the hell names a restaurant Momo in the first place?! Seriously people, what happened to real words? :P )

I don't remember that moment (and for all i know they could be making it all up... Though they were pretty consistent about it....) but I am thankful to have living diary entries who, on occasion, need to relive those funny tidbits of life - complete with dialogue and facial expression.

Lucky me. :)


Oh, and off-tangent topic, I found the following last week which had me laughing aloud while checking my phone.

yea, I've been a victim of autocorrect lots of times already. Crazy convos.

Yeeeeeessss! This should be the stuff of legends. It's like the Bruce Lee of all jump shots. Lol

Happy weekend y'all!

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breaks, via ljapp, friends

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