May 23, 2012 21:38
I write a lot of overblown junk, but it's a reaction to the various stuff that gets thrown at me. I'm willing to approach This Thing of Ours from all kinds of different angles, and I have. My ideas evolve when they hit something that unlocks them, etc etc...
All rights claimed, I am human, like everyone else. (don't go there.)
Also, yeah I know about the corruption of language and nothing really is what it says it is, and all that. But I'm not going to bother with e-prime or anything like it, most of the time, because I am going to assume that you also know that everything is a hologrammic metaphor for everything else.
Maybe this assumption will shine through without having to keep restating it and being all awkward and all.
ALSO: most of my entries are friends only, for various reasons. The stuff you see here is only the most dolphin safe.