Aug 03, 2006 02:57
Why do i do this, why do i write all this dribble.
I feel like the literary loser... i seem to win at life but lose at words and money.
so now i do art, 350 pieces at under tazman2.
2 handed drawing everything comes out like Austin Spare!!
i save all my impotence for my words, spoken an written!
im a great orator...but orators don't get laid, or laid warily.
hows this for clueless:
i heard there might be a big anti-gay demo here in seattle, so i make a tee-shirt for a counter demo that said "The Bible Says Hate Me!" in white letters on a dark blue shirt. so i wander around wearing this thing looking for the demo which it so happens is not until sunday. everyone up on capitol hill loved the shirt... maybe i could make bumperstickers.
i like this quote from the movie GLORY
A deep man believes in miracles, waits for them, believes in magic, believes that the orator will decompose his adversary; believes that the evil eye can wither, that the heart’s blessing can heal; that love can exalt talent; can overcome all odds.