Saying Goodbye.

May 29, 2005 19:07

Before I even start typing this story of mine ... I have to say, I don't really know what it would be under. For example, Mystery, Horror, ect. I just thought I'd share it with you. My story got into the school magazine. You might not think it's that good, or it's to sad, or what not. I'd like to hear you're every detail on what you think. Don't hold back. It wont bother me. I want you to tell me what you like, dislike, ect. Please, don't lie to me about the story. If it sucks, it sucks. If it doesn't, then well, it doesn't. Thank you. Here goes nothing ...

Saying Goodbye

Kyle Grant would rarely go outside. he would usually just sit in his dark, dusty room. When he did go outside, it was only for one reason, to see his best friend, Katrina Avril. Kyle and Katrina had been friends forever. They had lived next to each other their entire lives. Katrina was twelve years old; Kyle was only a year older.

Kyle had dark, dirty-brown hair, faded blue eyes, a broken smile, and fair skin. Katrina, on the other hand, had long straight blonde hair, dark gray eyes (that you could get lost in), fair skin, and the best smile Kyle had ever seen.

While at school, Kyle's only friend was katrina. They were always hanging out with each other. After that day, on their way home from school, Kyle and Katrina walked home, hand in hand walking up the driveway to Katrina's house. Kyle asked her if she would ever go out with him. Her response was, "Yes I would. But why do you want to know, Sweetie?"

Kyle blushed and said, "Oh, I'm just curious."

About three feet away from Katrina's door, Kyle stopped and made Katrina look at him. He held both of her hands, looked deep into her dark gray eyes, and said, "Katrina, will you go out with me?"

Katrina was surprised but answered, "yes, I would love to go out with you."

Kyle smiled, quickly kissed her on the lips, looked down at the ground and said, "Katrina, I love you with all of my heart and soul. You've always been there for me, and i thank you for that."

Katrina didn't know what to say, but she thought of something quickly. Putting her hand under his chin, she turned his head to face hers, looked into his abandoned blue eyes and said, "I love you, too, Kyle, and I always will."

With those words, he then let go of her, saying goodbye, and walked next door to his house. Katrina slowly walked to the door. Turning the door knob, she could hear her things being thrown around. "My parents are fighting again," she said to herself. Letting go of the door knob, she walked next door to Kyle's house and knocked on the door. Kyle's drunk father answered the door and said, "Hello, Katrina, come on in. Kyle is in his room."

With that Katrina walked in and ran up to Kyle's room. She knocked on his old door and said, "Kyle, can I come in?" He opened the door and let her in.

About three hours had gone by. Katrina put her homework into her backpack and said, "I better get home. My parents are probably getting worried about me."

kyle frowned and walked Katrina to the door. She kissed Kyle on the cheek before leaving. Shutting the door, Kyle heard his father yell his name. With a long sigh, Kyle went to his father to see what the old, bitter man wanted.

Kyle opened the library door where his father sat surrounded by cigarette smoke and said, "Yes, sir, what do you need?"

Kyle's father took a long drag off of his cigarette and said, "I want you to go to the store, up the street, and get me another pack of smokes."

Kyle rolled his eyes and said, "Dad, I can't get them. I'm not old enough, sorry."

Kyle's father stood up, walked quickly to Kyle, slapped him across the face, and screamed, "Then why the heck do i let you live? You're no use to me! Get out of my sight!"

Running out of the library and into his room, Kyle cried those hot tears that people get every once in a while when you're really hurt or in real pain. Locking himself into his room, Kyle sat on his bed. Sobbing, he said to himself, "One of these days, I'm going to take Katrina's hand and run away with her. I'm going to ask her to marry me, and when she says 'yes', then I'm going to hold her tightly in my arms and never let her go, and everything will be fine." Kyle lay on his bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

The next day, around noon, Kyle woke up to rocks hitting his window. He got up from bed, wiped his eyes, and opened the window. Looking down at the ground, he could see Katrina. "Hey, Sweetheart," Kyle said with a bright smile.

Katrina stared at the ground and said, "Kyle, come down here; I need to talk to you about something."

Kyle shut the window without saying a word, ran downstairs, opened the front door, and ran to Katrina. Looking a bit surprised, Kyle asked her what was wrong. Katrina smiled a fake smile and said, "I have to go up to Ohio over the summer to cisit my older sister. I'll be gone nearly the whole summer, and I won't be back until the day before school starts."

Kyle just stared at her and said, "What? You can't go! We have always been right here for each other; we've never been separated! We have always stuck together! Please, Katrina, don't go."

"I'm really sorry, but I have to go. I leave tomorrow, after school lets out for the summer. I want you to come and see me off at the plane," Katrina said, wiping the tears from her eyes. Kyle grabbed her and hugged her tightly; he wouldn't let her go. Katrina held his hand, laid her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After school, Katrina's mother picked up Kyle and her. She took them to the airport, where Katrina got on the plane. She turned around, smiled, and waved to Kyle and mouthed, "I love you!" She turned around and walked off to board the plane.

The next day Katrina got a call from her mother. her mother sounded terrified over the phone. She couldn't tell Katrina what happened, so Katrina had to go home as soon as possible. On the plane home, Katrina thought and thought about what could have happened.

When she got off the plane, she got a cab and went home. When she arrived, her mother was sitting on the porch, rocking back and forth, in one of the old rocking chairs on the porch. katrina ran to her mother and asked what had happened. Her mother just looked next door. Katrina followed her stare and saw police coming from inside. She ran as fast as she could across the yard, through the door, and up to Kyle's room.

Block his room was an elderly man looking down at the floor. She asked him what was going on. The elderly man looked at her sad eyes and said, "Is your name Katrina Janelle Avril?"

Katrina started to shake a little and said, "Yes, I am." The man could see Katrina was about to cry. He moved over, letting her look into the room. She fell to the floor, crying incessantly at what she saw.

Her best friend, her boyfriend... was gone. She looked at the walls one more time and read the word writtin in blood next to Kyle's body, "Katrina Janelle Avril, no matter what may happen, I will always be in your heart, and you will always be in mine. I loved you dearly, Sweetheart, and I always will, Goodbye.

She then looked down at Kyle's dead, bloody body and said, "I love you..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I worked so hard so find the right person, and all along he was right in front of me. I am Katrina, and my best friend Kyle really did die just that way. I learned a lesson the hard way that day. it was hurtful, but then again joyful. Because Kyle had always been abused by his father, his death took him to a better place, and this way joyful. But, it was hurtful to see my boyfriend, my best friend die so sadly, and I never got to say goodbye.

By: Me
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