Title: Reflections
Genre: Mostly angsty
Rating/Warnings: T for murder mentions? Spoilers for each origin story.
Word count: ~2500
Summary: The Gauntlet's spirit and its gift inspire reflection and contemplation. Six people from six origins look back on their past, all with differing reactions.
A/N: This was meant to be for the "love" challenge, specifically for the 'keeping a memento of a loved one' part - I immediately thought of the Reflection amulet you get in the Gauntlet. I did the Mahariel drabble first and was about to post it but then decided that it might be interesting to do all six of my characters. Then I realised that this fic wasn't so much about "thinking of a loved one" than just character studies... but anyway, it started on that idea and hopefully it's still obviously based on it. Please don't kill me for spam?
Fake lj-cut! )