(no subject)

Apr 01, 2010 01:07

Not currently writing, sadly, though I do have a plot nug-get that's gotten itself lodged in my head to share the challenge of.

Fem!Dalish PC/Zevran pairing

Fact one: Zevran's mother was Dalish- so he's told
Fact two: Dalish PC's mother up and disappeared one day after giving birth to them.

Plot Theory/Challenge: Dalish PC's clan, at time of her birth, is camped somewhere nearish Antiva City. When she disappears from her clan, she is somehow wounded- by animal, bandit, or something (writer's choice). Mother is found, unconscious and barely alive, by City Elf woodcutter (dun dun dun) who takes her with him and nurses her back to health on the way to Antiva City. She slowly regains consciousness after a day or two and over the course of their journey she becomes somewhat attached to him, agreeing (while still depressed over the loss of the PC's father) to come with him to Antiva City and become his wife, eventually resulting in our dear Zev. All this unbeknownst to mother's clan or the PC. Mother never tells anyone about PC or any part of that past. At some point after Origins (and Awakening if you wish), Zev and PC visit Antiva City for one reason or another and Zev takes his Dalish friend to the whorehouse where he was raised until he was bought by the Crows. At least one of the whores who raised him is still there. He/she reveals that they were a close friend of Zev's mother before her death and that she left a diary in their care to give to Zev when he reached adulthood. In said diary, which has not been opened since she died, his mother reveals her past (IE: the existence of the PC and everything between then and her own death).

Zev and the PC can have had a romance at once point or they could have pondered a romance and decided against it for some reason or the pc could have just never hooked up with any of the party. Your choice.

Have at.

user submitted challenges, character: zevran

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