Feb 22, 2006 01:52
I'm getting in over my head. I have too much to do and no time to do it. I have a math test in the morning, a theatre quiz, and a paper due. I'm really not ready for this math test. I need to start going to class every day. It's just so hard when I have to work every night and then come home and do homework. There just aren't enough hours in the day.
I suppose I can pull an all nighter. I need to make a good grade on this math test. I made a 69 on the last one. And a 30 on my last quiz. I actually made a pretty decent grade on my first quiz though, I don't remember what it was. If I can just get through the next 2 days I'll be fine. I really need to pass this test.
It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have the pressure of having to keep my GPA up to keep my scholarship. If I lose that I don't know what will happen. I know my mom wont be happy. I just need to make it through this semester. I swear I had to pick the hardest things in the world to take at this particular point in time. It's not that chemistry and math are hard, but the pressure is very high. My lab grade looks good and so does my english grade. The only one's I'm worried about are math and chemistry.
My lisence has expired. It expired yesterday. I have to get it renewed Thursday. So that means I will be getting up at 7:00 to get ready to go to the courthouse early enough that I don't have to stand there all day. This should be an adventure. I left my parking decal in Alex's car. So I guess I'll go get that in the morning so I don't get a freaking ticket. Because that would suck.
I can't find enough information to support my thesis and this sucks. I hate having a definite # of words when writing a paper. Because then I tend to just start rambling crap to take up space and make the paper long enough. Well I suppose I should get back to my research/writing. Then on to studying. No time for sleep.